CLOSED - winners are rolled and chosen!

Did both and “A Good Girls Guide to Murder”<3


did both! im not really sure abt my favorite book since my tastes have changed a lot lately, but i enjoy fantasy and sci-fi!!




Did it already end?


Faved and subbed! Hope I'm not too late. I can't choose a favourite book, but 2 of my favs are Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman and The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. Or Heaven Official's Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu,... I read a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


entering, fav and subbed! My favorite book so far would be Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao ^^


Entering!!!! Faved! Subbed! And my favorite book would be bluestar's prophecy!


Faved + subbed + I like the wings of fire book series!


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Faved this


My fav book is The Carmel Knight by Abraham Valdelomar ^^61WbFn+mf4L._SY466_.jpg



fav book is: uhhh…. I only read graphic novels and manga, chainsawman?


Entering! My favorite book I Harry Potter. Good luck everyone!

42 !

Thank you!

entering!! and my favourite book is heartstopper!!

41 !

My favorite book's are "The red temple" By Rick Riordan (All of his book are amazing. "The Fire within" By Chris D'lacey, Or "Serafina and the Twisted Staff" By Robert Beatty. (Haven't read this in a few years so I'm not sure if their still as amazing as i remember but i adored in primary school.) 

40 !

My favourite book is Dark Rise <3

39 !

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38 !

entering ! favorite book is uhhhh fight club (tried picking a non warrior cat one lol)

37 !

u won!! pls choose a deal of ur choice and feel free to either send me a message or link the characters u want

omg tysm :D i would adore a bust of this guy ! the custom is so so tempting but i don't have a good idea right now >_< tysm again !!!

Faved and subbed! Fave book is Troublesome Boy by Nguyen Nhat Anh!

36 !

All done ! I think.... biological life book modules... that or american psycho? Honestly, nothing really sticks around as my fav book

35 !

Done!! My favorite book is "Boo" by Neil Smith or even Erec Rex by idk who ! :)

34 !

Subbed and faved!!

Id say my fav is Coraline by Neil Gaiman :]

33 !

faved and subbed! i don't read much but the pjo series is one of my fav!

#32 !

Faved + subbed! And my favorite book has got to be White Space by Ilsa J. Bick!

#31 !

my fav book would either be the silver arrow or howl's moving castle  

my fav book would either be the silver arrow or howl's moving castle  

srry but I didn’t see ur sub ! 

Oh sorry! I did sub but I'm on my school chromebook rn and paired with my abysmal internet everything is loading super slow :(

#30 ! and np ‼️‼️

I love Enders Game!

#29 !

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#28 !

u won!! pls choose a deal of ur choice and feel free to either send me a message or link the characters u want

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faved and subbed!

my fav book is pax! its about the journey of a boy and his pet fox

#27 !

Right now is "Del fuego y el humo" by Miguel Longo :D

#26 !

My favorite book has to be The city of ghosts!! Its a really good one :D

#25 !

i faved and subbed :3 my fav book is uhhhh idk probs IT bu stephen king or like the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde !!

#24 !

Faved and subbed!! My favorite book isssss uhhh… probably BlueStar’s prophecy, I really enjoyed reading it :D

#23 !

TYY!! :D

subbed and favorited, my favorite book is probably MIS(H)ADRA by Iasmin Omar Ata 🙏 also hi

 #22 !

subbed and faved! my fav book is probably the bsd light novels :3

#21 !

Subbed and faved! ^^ I don't have a fav book since I don't tend to read much, but does manga count? I say Promised neverland :] 

#20 !

subbed + faved!! can’t really pick favs lmao but i do like a lot of oscar wilde’s writing

#19 !

I favorited and Commenteddd uhh how do u sub?

go to my profile, then hit the bar, then there’s subscribe!

Probably Warriors!


I don’t have a favorite book atm but I wanna read no longer human ^^

#18 !

Fav books probably have to be Heaven Officials Blessing I gen don't know actually 😅 FAVED AND SUBBED BTW ><

#17 !

my fav books are probably the six of crows series!!

#16 !

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#15 !

u won!! pls choose a deal of ur choice and feel free to either send me a message or link the characters u want

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a wolf called wonder, hunger games, and sherlock, a wolf called wonder is a kids book but i read when i was a kid, its lovely

#14 !

My favorite book series is still probably the hunger games, I've re-read it like a million times, but I love the writing <33 entered

#13 !

My favorite book has to shatter me series! And I subbed and favorited c:

IM THINKING OF READING THAT cuz im so deep into kings of sin + twisted series but. #12!

YESSS SO DO IT! My favorite book is ignite me in that series :)

Faved and subbed!!! Ty for the opportunity! My favorite book has gotta be Six Of Crows!!!

#11 !

Faved and Subbed! I don’t really have a favorite book cause I’m extremely indecisive 😭 but I do love the Divergent Series and The Hunger Games series! They are some of the few books I own and own the whole collection 🤣 

#10 !

Fav and sub! And book would have to be how to kill a mocking bird

#9 !

Faved n subbed :0 I don't read actual books much but I liked reading WoF :v

#8 !


#7 !

Subbed + faved, favorite book is maniac magee

#6 !

Done!!! I don’t really read that often but I enjoyed warriors long shadows

#5 !

Favourited and subbed:D thank you so much for this they look absolutly amazing<3 So far my fav book is the one my friend is making i dont know the name of it but i love the story im waiting till he publish it<3 and DONE!!

#4 !

faved and subbed, tysm for the opportunity I love ur art. my favorite book is Cinderella Is Dead  

#3 !

My favourite book is probably warrior cats!, it’s the only other book I’ve really gotten into!

#2 !

(also faved and subbed!)

favorited and subbed thank you for the opportunity your art is gorgeous! (i don’t have a favorite book i don’t read all that often 😭)