Dominion Sight



3 months, 22 days ago



Dominion Sight

"In the midst of the darkness, it is important to find the light and shine it for all to see."


  • AGE: Unknown
  • D.O.B: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: They / Them
  • KIND: Seraphim
  • RESIDENCE: Divinity
  • OCCUPATION: Scribe
  • VALUE: $20



A silver sword with seraphic wings as the guard, a golden eye as the pommel.


Dominion Sight, a seraphim pony, is a being of immense wisdom and authority. They are a loyal friend and a trusted mentor to those who seek their guidance. Their presence alone can inspire a sense of calm and serenity, putting even the most troubled soul at ease. They are known for their ability to provide insightful perspectives and see beyond the surface level, using their sharp analytical skills to analyze the world around them.

But what sets Dominion Sight apart from other seraphim ponies is their compassionate and empathetic nature. They have a deep understanding of the emotions and needs of others, and are always eager to lend a helping hoof to those in need. This makes them a trusted advisor to leaders and rulers alike. They often act as a mediator between factions and individuals, using their wisdom to find the middle ground and resolve conflicts.

But where does Dominion Sight's wisdom and authority come from? They earned their halo by being a protector and defender of those in need. Their loyalty to their friends and dedication to justice are unwavering, and they will go to great lengths to ensure that their loved ones are safe. They are not above fighting for what they believe in, and will use their formidable combat skills to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Dominion Sight's halo shines like a beacon of hope, inspiring those around them to be their best selves. They are a shining example of what it means to be a seraphim pony, and are respected and admired by many throughout Equestria.


  • Being a mentor and advisor to others
  • Providing insight and perspective
  • Justice and fairness
  • Helping others in need
  • Peace and tranquility


  • Unjustness and unfairness
  • Violence and conflict
  • Mistreatment of others
  • Chaos and instability
  • Disharmony between individuals and groups.


Dominion Sight is a seraphim pony who radiates serenity and authority. They have a calm and commanding presence that gives others a sense of tranquility and inspires them to trust in their guidance. Their kind and wise demeanor makes them an excellent leader, helping others find their purpose and discover their inner strength. Their sharp analytical skills allow them to see beyond the surface level and provide insightful perspectives, while their empathy and compassion allow them to connect with others on a deeper level. A loyal friend and wise mentor, Dominion Sight has a warm and positive energy that makes others feel at peace and protected.

Code by Aurorean