Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Before popping in please know that our content may contain suggestive and/or sensitive themes that not all audiences may be comfortable with!

Our main series The Stars On Mars contains such content, so please do not interact if it is of your own concern and safety.


  • Feel free to let us know of any mistakes/concerns, it is also appreciated when it comes to spelling mistakes as Toyhouse does not point out spelling errors.
  • Any OCs of ours that has been noted with any mental disorders are only noted if we are aware of what comes with that disorder, we do not condone playing these disorders up for laughs and making it a personality trait of theirs, and we instead joke about the characters as a whole.
  • yulyeongK has diagnosed Bipolar II and both users are suspected autism and/or ADHD.


  • Draw art of our ocs! It makes us happy and it is to be treasured and held dear by us.
  • Ask about our ocs, we would love to share and discuss!
  • Make headcanons of our characters! It is rather intriguing to hear.
  • Use tone indicators, but not too often, we are mostly aware of what you imply!


  • Steal our characters, it is okay to be inspired and to give credit, but do not reference heavily, please!
  • Make offers on any of our OCs, it is almost certain that these characters are to be kept forever.
  • Harass us or any of our friends, if you have any concerns we can take matters privately like mature people, do not be unreasonable.

Please be warned! This is to ensure your safety as well as ours.


  • We prefer to interact with users that are 15+, as people aged under should be wary of our content!
  • More on the topic of our characters, most come with warnings such as having mature themes unsuitable for a younger audience (e.g. gore, nsfw themes), if there is a warning to be noted for a character, please let us know!


  • Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, etc.
  • Misogynistic
  • Racist, Sexist, Ableist, etc.

We do not wish to list anyone, but if there comes a time to list them up to ensure other people's safety we will put their usernames on here.


  • People who are/support our DNI
    • Kindly stay away for our safety and yours.

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