
3 months, 10 days ago


my dark urge character!! i have gotten to the beginning of act 3 so only now just had some fun revelations hehe hoho

Name: Vierna
Pronouns: any
Race: Seldarine Drow
Background: Haunted One
Class: Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)

trying their fucking best. 

disgustingly righteous. incredibly open about their urge and their feelings. gotta be strong for EVERYONE they are so straight laced its almost nauseating but sometimes they let the freak out. theyre that weird dry as hell coworker who just says shit sometimes and i think thats comedy. can be a little intense they just need to get out of their head sometimes

THINGIES: i will write more later

killed alfira and did not even wash their hands abt it. said guys im fucked in the head and im sorry u guys have to deal w that u can leave please leave please leave pl

besties w gale (i think they formed an unhealthy attachment to gale bc he confided w them so quick and they also were just fast friends so they are a bit weird about him but they are learning to be normal lmao) and karlach and kind of astarion. jaheira mom 🥹

romancing wyll (i think gortash is only slightly like 😟 abt being dumped for the most disgustingly soft romantic man in faerun) 

their right eye is a magic eye because they let some idiot (volo) give them another lobotomy