Akumu Lemo



3 months, 28 days ago


It's Raining Somewhere Else

01 — Profile

Name Akumu Lemo
Alias Leader
Gender Non Binary ( He/They )
Sexuality TBD
Age 17 - 18
Birthdate February 4th 1992
Arcana World
Persona Epiales
Occupation content

Status content
Designer @ USER
Net Worth 108 USD
  • He has a few piercings that he takes out for school: His snake bites and ears. He stopped removing them in October.

  • Second Semester he does not remove his beanie.

  • design

  • notes!

  • you could do them short

  • or you could do them a bit longer with a description, while also bolding the vital things. but that's your preference! :D

  • this scrolls seperately, so don't worry and go wild yaya!!

02 — Personality

Narcaleptic insomniac

Big appetite and rather aloof and indifferent.

Probably didn't hear you lets be honest

  • Music

  • content

  • content

  • content

  • Tight/Quiet Spaces

  • content

  • content

  • content

03 — Background


Akumu is an orphan, both of his parents died when he was young and he has been bouncing from place to place ever since. He never allowed himself to properly address the trauma, bottling it for the sake of survival; this greatly affects his ability to process trauma in his present life.

Akumu's early life consisted of bouncing around a lot; never staying in one place very long and always alone in come capasity. He kept his grades high and lived off of various scholarships and the supplied student boarding to keep afloat. While this did make him very well rounded; he participated in as many extra curriculars as possible to ensure his scholarships. It did damage his ability to form and retain relationships. He would be in a school for a year and often get sent out to a different school for a different scholarship or opportunity they felt prudent for him to seize and being the new kid and making new friends every year became difficult emotinally. His traumar response made him bottle it up and rather aloof and apathetic.

Furthermore, this unresolved trauma was not without consequence. Akumu suffers bouts of insomnia during particularly stressful periods and pairs quite aggressively with his preexisting, yet undiagnosed narcolepsy. He will go through his bouts of restlessness and the moment his body deems him safe or comfortable enough he will drop like a sack of bricks. Due to repression this hasn't affected him too aggressively in a few years.

First Semester

Coming to the dorms was the same as any other time he’d been moved in the last few years. He’d developed a sort of disconnected apathy to preserve himself, still having not addressed or processed any kind of trauma. Evident by the zero hesitation to summon his persona when needed. His participation in SEES, was purely, well I don’t have any other choice do I? It wasn’t something he found the same passion in but out of forced responsibility and obligation he made the best of it and lead the team seriously. Often working his team harder than necessary for area scaling and devastating the shadows in the area. He seemed to start coming into himself the longer he stayed and got to know the members of the dorm and settled into Gekkoukan, seeming particularly happy after having met Shinjiro and initiated their relationship.

Second Semester

Second semester things took a rocky turn. It seemed like Akumu was having the best time, he was the happiest he’d been in years; Shinji was in the dorm and the two would spend a lot of time cooking or gardening together to the oblivion of the rest of the team before retiring for the night and slipping into each others rooms in the dead of night. So when October 4th came and went and they watched the light be absolutely robbed from Akumu, the teams was taken aback. He withdrew, becoming cold and completely silent. The only time they heard him speaking for the first few weeks was to Koromaru and in a hushed and broken tone. He stopped sleeping and started disappearing in the night to Tartarus alone to grind and try to vent some of the emotions his poor coping would not let him address. The only thing that kept him from succumbing to the shadows in the tower was Koromaru’s quick actions and further insistence to come with him. Eventually it lead to him finally cracking and breaking down.

Akumu threw himself into grinding Tartarus, despite numorous protests from his team. He'd begun leaving the dorms during the dark hour completely alone, breaking several of the rules that Akihiko and Mitsuru had set in place. No back up, no navigation, nothing. He'd grind recklessly until his body collapsed and kept going. He'd turn up the next mornings looking haggard but refused to answer what happened, or where he'd been. He'd started limping, babying one of his side over the other, sometimes even bleeding through his shirts in class, symptoms ramping up over the passing weeks. Eventually they'd put two and two together and begged for him to stop but he wouldn't listen to anyone, continuing to slip out at any cost. They'd gotten desperate, trying to lock him in his room, guard the door, the entrance to tartarus, going to far as to take his evoker but nothing worked. He'd find a way out one way or another and the team came to realize that after Aragaki's passing; Akumu no longer needed his evoker to summon his persona. Thankfully Koromaru was resorceful and his presence easier to accept for Akumu, eventually succeeding in leading the poor boy home and allowing him to start to unpack the damage and trauma he'd been holding onto.

Despite being aware of his Midnight activities, no one knew why this death had hit him so hard. No one had known or thought either of them particularly close and assumed that it was the grief of seeing death like that again after his parents. They couldn't wrap their heads around this new, cold and driven personality from their leader and did their best to keep him safe from the sidelines and match his pace in training. Only Akihiko, who had caught witness of moments of their closeness was able to piece together that their relationship was a lot deeper than just teammates and he was grieving the loss of a lover the only way he knew how; Recklessly.

Post Game

This will be edited when I finally finish the game and get THOSE ducks in a row.

04 — Trivia

  • Shares the Clan name; Lemo. In concequential to his story but it links him creatively to Abashi and Hillusk.

  • Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus.

  • Augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin. Sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis.

  • Leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam. Auctor augue mauris augue neque. Scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra.

04 — Stats


HP 75 /100
SP 95 /100
05 — Relationships

Shinjiro Aragaki
(Late) Boyfriend

After encountering him in May he started to see him more often, passively in restaurants around Iwatodai. Recognizing him he sat with him against Shinji’s will but they started to bond. The advancement from acquainted to dating was sudden and heavy but they were happy with it.

They didn’t actively keep the relationship a secret, but the subject of it never came up and they were happy with what they were doing, Akumu felt no need to explain himself. So his devastation after October shocked everyone.

Service Dog

Initially, being a cat person at heart, Akumu was a little apprehensive around Koromaru. He hadn't encountered many dogs and certainly didn't know how to interact with one but it came easy over time.

After the death of Aragaki, Koromaru became a pillar for Akumu; the only one he trusted with his grief and the two grew very close. Akumu would have probably been lost to Tartarus long ago were it not for Koromaru.


This profile contains spoilers for Persona 3 Reload! Please check out the games!