


3 months, 27 days ago


My OC in the My Hero Academia verse. Her quirk is ”raptor”and she has various raptor characteristics. It would be glassed as a mutant quirk.

Her skin is mottled, human skin dotted with blue-black scales. She has yellow, hawk-like eyes with black pupils.  Instead of hair she has blue and silvery white feathers in a swept back look on her head. Her nose and mouth are a scaly raptor muzzle with nostrils at the tip of the upper jaw and sharp teeth.

Her hands and feet are entirely scaly and her hands end in small but sharp pointed claws. She has five human style fingers. White feathers run down her arms on the bottom and her elbows are scaly. Her legs are strong and muscular with an elongated ankle and a three toed raptor foot with toe claws and sickle claw on the big toe. 

blue and white feathers run down her back and out onto the top side of her tail, which is covered in the dark blue scales.

She has excellent sight and acute sense of smell and enhanced strength and speed. She eats a diet high in meat and can’t physically taste sweet foods.

She can transform into a full raptor form. The dark blue scales cover her body in that form and her torso shifts to the horizontal stance of a raptor. Her face and skull elongate and her jaws get bigger and longer. Her raptor instincts and physical abilities are stronger in that form.