Fig Newton



4 months, 8 days ago


Name: Fig Newton

Nickname(s): Fig, Newt

Parents: Applejack and Donut Joe

Siblings: Crispin’ Delight and Crescent Apple Dumpling

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality and Gender: Too Young

Fig is the last born of Applejack and Donut Joe, but surprisingly the first Pegasus. While rumors tossed that Applejack cheated (which Donut quickly defended her from) and many ponies scratched their heads about how a unicorn and an earth pony can equal a Pegasus, Goldie Delicious came to the rescue. It was quite simple, dearies! Someone somewhere had to have Pegasus genes, unless Applejack really did cheat… just kidding, calm down! Unknown to little Fig, he became the biggest revelation to Apple family history.

There were still a handful of Apples who didn’t really buy him being Joe’s, which bothers him greatly but he only expresses this grief to his parents and siblings. Applejack is working diligently with Goldie to track down their family tree once again while Donut Joe scours his for any sign of a Pegasus. Despite the stress of his surprise genetics, Fig is a happy little dude with a heart of gold. He’s also quite clumsy and recently hurt his leg but swears to his mama that it’s fine. He has a habit of putting other ponies before himself, even his older siblings. Seeing as he can fly compared to the rest of his family, he has made the job of picking apples a lot easier but he tends to over exert himself.




  • Has definitely had an apple fall on his head. Definitely didn’t hurt at all (it did)
  • Keeps his mane up most of the time, it’s just easier for him to deal with. No Ma he doesn't want a mane cut 

(Pegasus genes included as a story point and also just because I wanted to make an inside joke bc Isaac Newton + gravity, his name is Fig Newton and he flies- hopefully it sticks LOL)