Carly Kinido



4 months, 6 days ago


Creation Number: #45

Height: 5'3 (~160 cm)

Weight: 120 lbs

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Relatives: Maggie Kinido (sister)

Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Carly is quite playful and energetic, and usually a bit loud too. She tends to be quieter around Maggie, since she knows Maggie doesn’t enjoy loud things, and she’ll try to quiet down if someone complains about it. Being as playful as she is, Carly loves to mess around with her clones, often stacking up into pyramids with them or playing pranks on others.


  • Carly’s cheering has magical properties that causes allies nearby to gain a stat boost, augmenting their physical strength, magical strength, durability, or speed, depending on what Carly chooses.
  • Carly can summon a seemingly infinite number of clones of herself, which are nearly indistinguishable from the real Carly save for the clones not having freckles on their cheeks like the real Carly. The clones act on their own, similar to a summoned minion, but can be telepathically commanded by Carly herself. If struck by an attack, the clones explode into confetti, which can serve as a handy distraction in battle!


  • In many ways, Carly is a polar opposite to her sister; she enjoys hot weather and likes hotter foods like pizza, doesn't like cold weather or being forced to huddle up indoors, and loves socializing and hanging out with friends. However, both girls can agree that spicy food is not good.