if u can do foursonas w this... can you draw it..... :3

Yes I can do foursonas!

I have some owed art + school work so it might take awhile if that’s a-okay with you! (it’s not a big problem but just letting ya know’)

heyo! srry for the late response!!! thats totally fine w/ me! ^_^

Heyo, I finished!

They were such a joy to draw, if there is anything you want me to add/change lmk!



Sorry for my late reply as well! (Also no worries ‘bout it!)

is 100 robux okay? 

1 Replies

Hii! if this is still opened, could i possibly get one of this character?


ill b paying in rbx btw, n if u think it's too hard to do the clothes and prosthetic leg then just dont draw it i dont mind as long as you keep her glasses!! :3 /gen

Howdy, Yes this is still open! 

Also yeah I can draw the prosthetic, I’m unsure about the clothing but ill try!
Would 120 robux work for this? I can go lower if wanted!

its alright!! im alr with paying 120 robux!! mind sending me the gp so i can pay? :3

bought it!! :3 feel free to check in ur transactions to confirm that i paid!!

Yeah I see ya! Ty, I’ll start working on it soon!

I finished! I gave you a transparent gif and one with a background (just in case since the characters main color is white)

If there is anything you want me to change then lmk!

1 Replies

Was wondering if this was still open?

(Late reply)

Yes they are still open!

YIPPEEEE!!! May I ask if it's with or without tax? :]

I saw that you could possibly do objects so was wondering if you could do these two?



If you think you can then name your price and I'll see if I can pay ^^

Its without tax,

And yeah I can totally do them!

Is 200 robux okay for this? (100 for each) if not I can lower it!

Yup!! That's alright with me ^^

I’m finished, if there is anything you want me to change then lmk! 


here’s the pass!

1 Replies

Hey! Could I possibly get one! Of this character?


Howdy! Of course!

Do you plan on using robux or art for the”currency“?

(Also late reply sorry!)

Well I just spent all of my robux last night so I can offer art if you want?

I can get some more robux if you want? Then I'll offer a mixture of art and robux?

Late reply again

I mean you can do either or

But you can give 50 and a bust if you want (since the oc isn’t too complex)

Hey, sorry it took awhile for the commission, school caught up with me But I finished!


Here’s the game pass when you have the robux!

School is totally understandable! Since I'm a senior in high school. I will go to the store tomorrow  to get a gift card, if that's ok?

Yeah that‘s alright! 

if you wanna message it somewhere else then my discord is painty_brush ! (If you have it ofc) 

or just private message it here

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Howdy, sorry for my late reply!

I would say around 120 because of the non-complex small markings

If there is any specific colors or any extra details you want for the gif lmk! (Won’t add any extra charges)

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Oh yeah that’s totally fine!

Im currently doing other art but I’ll start when I finish it

just tell me when you are ready to pay when you get the robux!

Sorry for the extremely late reply (school caught up to me) But I finished the gif!

https://www.roblox.com/game-pass/196183293/Scary Here’s the pass when you have the robux, screenshot proof would be great too! Then I’ll send the gif to ya!

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Oh yeah, it was intended! While working on the gif, the markings weren’t much as a struggle

I’ll send the gif to you now, if there is anything I missed let me know!

6 Replies


I finished! And heres the game pass, if you find it too expensive then lmk!


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