(Madoka Magica) Rin Tachibana



3 months, 12 days ago


Name: Rin Tachibana

Age: 17

Gender: Cisgender Female (she/her)

Sexuality: Lesbian

Power: Rin can whistle at a frequency only felt by her desired targets, leaving them temporarily dizzy, confused, and unable to concentrate on their attacks and defenses. The larger the target or the more targets she aims for, the less potency her whistle has.

Weapon: Retractable claws laced with fast-acting poison. When combined with her special power, Rin can get closer to her target(s) without fear of retaliation (seeing as her weapon is very close-range).

Though I do not have any plans at the moment to design potential teammates for her, hypothetically speaking, if she did in fact work with a group, Rin would most likely be responsible for weakening the opponent before someone else takes the final blow (sometimes before she’s even ready; see ‘weaknesses’ for more on that).

Personality: Rin is extroverted and loves stepping outside her comfort zone and trying new things. Because of this, she rarely takes defeat as the end-all be-all, and encourages her teammates to do the same. Magical girls can’t give up, they’ve got cities to save! Rin is also quite dependable; when you call for help, she’ll surely be there in no time at all. Overall, she takes immense pride in her job and rarely questions her own merit or capabilities.

Weaknesses: Arrogance is Rin’s biggest weakness. She often relies far too heavily on how strong her whistle is and lingers when attacking her targets, taunting them under the impression that they won’t snap out of it anytime soon. She’s had one too many close calls at this point, and has since dialed it back a notch, but still struggles with her ego at times. She can also be a bit stuck-up about the outfits of other magical girls, bragging about how hers is “sooo much easier to move around in compared to their frilly, girly dresses.” Basically, she’s in a bit of a ‘not like other girls’ phase and needs a serious reality check.

Wish: To heal her sick dog, hence all the dog imagery in her design/powers. She’s been a magical girl since age 14.

Witch Form - Canus Lupus: A hulking photorealistic wolf with fiery orange eyes and a deep red coat. As a twist on Rin’s power, its howls are potent to magical girls and administer the same effects as the original whistle. This time, however, the scale is increased tenfold, and Canus is able to attack a much wider spread of targets for longer than Rin ever was. It’s difficult to fight a witch if you can’t even get close enough to hit it, of course.

Voice Claim: E.G. Daily as Buttercup in The Powerpuff Girls