Aelthiel "Aelth" or Gene



4 months, 11 days ago



Angelic Name Aelthiel
Aelth for short

Human Name Gene

Gender Male

Pronouns he/him

Age around 30,000yrs

Race Angel

Role Messenger angel

Theme Bells - The Unlikely Candidates

HTML Pinky


Aelthiel is the Elf, he doesn't particularly like being called that if you know his name though so please don't call him elf. You can call him Aelth or his human name, Gene. He is the angel that the stories of elves, especially of the holiday variety, is based on. He used to be a messenger angel that often approached humans in the winter months which mainly helped him garner his associations with the winter holidays. Of course he doesn't really mind at all, the holiday season is quite fun! But they never get his costume right.

Then Aelth gained more work and would deliver messages all over the world to humans, demons and angels alike all year-round and was quite the busy bee. He's extremely well traveled and has met and made friends with all sorts of people. Some that he still frequently visits, as briefly as he can, before heading back to work again. There's nothing faster than a messenger angel after all, their flight might as well be teleporting with how fast they can get from one continent to another if they need to.

Aelth was always an upstanding and hardworking angel until his fallen angel friend, Jake, was in danger of being eradicated by an assassin angel. In trying to save Jake's life (and succeeding) he fell from grace and had his entire life upended. No longer able to fly or do the work he had always done so diligently he's now wholly unsure and unmotivated to do much of anything with himself, maybe he'll figure it out some day soon. Surely he'll be able to rise again, but for now he practically wastes away in his depressed and weakened state in an apartment that Jake kindly set him up in.


Height 5'10"

Build average, non-muscular & thin

Eyes Cool Silver

Skin Tone white with blushy cheeks and joints

Hair Color brunette

Hair Style short, swept up

Demeanor Social/Friendly/Loyal/Busybody


  • His wings are shaped similar to that of a Swift bird and are a shiny metallic gold.
  • His back is also covered in small golden feathers and he also has dorsal feathers and tail feathers.
  • Aelth's pointed ears can move and be expressive.
  • He has a permanently blushy face and joints, they still get darker when he's actually blushing.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

A social butterfly, he enjoys talking to others and just being around other people/angels/ whatever.
Despite being rather content with his life he isn’t normally super cheery or optimistic and is still rather down to earth and a problem solver.
The way he acts and speaks does often change depending on who he’s talking to mainly because he knows so many different mannerisms and dialects. Because of his job he knows many different bits and pieces about all sorts of societies and their ways of life, which may give him some odd quirks. He enjoys telling stories about them when asked.
He’s also fiercely loyal to those that he trusts and loves but sometimes it can come off as him being over protective and a little close minded.



As a messenger angel one of the #1 things you need to do is talk and relay information. And since Aelth was quite literally made for this purpose, he quite enjoys getting to spend time and talk with others.


Another perk of the job. He absolutely loves being able to travel all over everywhere and see so many different faces and places.


His main form of transportation and the most important skill in a messenger angel's arsenal. Even when he's in one place he tends to like to hover and flit his wings when he can.


Especially in the form of his harp, he really likes listening to acoustic music and watching people play their instruments. Other forms of music are fun too, from rock to pop to country to other musics from all over the world, he's not picky at all. Though he prefers it when it's from an instrument or someone's voice than digital.

Video games

After his fall and his unwillingness to leave the apartment, he found an interest in video games. Mainly strategy types and games that require plenty of multitasking, to simulate the work he used to have to do. Not that he won't try others too. Not having to sleep means he has plenty of free time.


Total Isolation

Something that he's never really experienced before, complete isolation from the outside world in a way where he can't control. It would likely not just be a dislike but a fear. Before he fell he could always at least contact heaven, and never really had to worry about being stuck in any one place thanks to his wings. With his social nature complete isolation, even when brought on by himself, is relatively uncomfortable.

Spicy foods

He has next to 0 tolerance in spicy foods, even for all that he has tried and all of the places that he can be he has never been able to grow a tolerance to it. The most spicy things he can comfortably eat is mild/medium rated salsa.


Lust demons are ones he's always been a little wary of, they're manipulative and addictive. He normally tries to give a demon some benefit of the doubt but now that his best friend is caught up with one.... well, it's a little more personal.


Not the concept of cars or their appearance but riding in one. Since he could fly anywhere he wanted, much faster than any car, he has very little experience with them and gets car sick easily. He'll still ride in one, just don't expect him to volunteer himself for any road trips.




Aelth has a surprisingly large amount of abilities at his disposal to help with delivering his messages.
Quick travel/Flight - The primary ability of any messenger angel is their speed, it’s not teleportation but it can certainly look like it with how fast Aelth can fly at times. There’s the saying "nothing faster than a messenger angel" for a reason, and it's true.

Phasing - Considering the speed at which he’s traveling, if there’s anything impedeing him he still needs to be able to travel. So when he is using his quick flight he is able to phase through objects, this is especially useful with his large wings in tight spaces. His entire body can only phase when using his quick flight, but his wings can phase whenever he wishes.

The harp - Most messenger angels get some form of musical instrument that accompanies them. To help soothe those around them and make themselves welcoming. Aelth is no different. His instrument is the harp, he can play any kind of harp and has his own that can shift between various appearances. He tends to prefer larger harps though. He also has his bells that softly chime along with his music and movements.

Communication and voice mimicry - Aelth can imitate the way someone else talks to help deliver a message effectively. He also knows most languages and dialects to listen and communicate with anyone around the world properly. This also has the effect of giving him a rather odd accent, he also remembers many dead languages from back when they were used.

Tracking - He knows where someone is at any given moment (not necessarily what they’re doing) This only works if he’s given the specific person to track directly from heaven or he is already familiar with the person. Higher level demons and angels can also block him from being able to do this if they do not wish to be found.

Cloaking - Aelth can hide his presence from others. This is best used when needing to give a message to a specific person who's in a crowded location, however; It is not fool proof and higher level demons and angels are capable of seeing through his cloaking.

Size changing - to go along with cloaking, quick travel, and phasing, he can also change his size. He can’t make himself any larger than his height of 5’10” but he can shrink himself down to be extremely small (Around 6” tall) He can shift back and forth rather quickly too and can easily be mistaken for a sprite when he shrinks to his smallest size.

This isn't necessarily an ability, but he has an extremely good memory when it comes to people’s faces and names, and for being able to recognize people by mannerisms.


Once instruments were invented messenger angels began to use them as ways to announce themselves and appear more friendly towards humans when approaching them. Aelth's was the harp. His heaven given harp can be manifested or hidden at will and can change forms to be any kind of harp Aelth desires. Sometimes he likes to carry around human crafted harps and play on them for a time too.


Aelth had always been too busy for hobbies, beyond his harp playing, before he had fallen. Now, after his fall, he enjoys videogames and watching movies and shows. Especially strategy games and detective/mystery shows. He's still too deep in his own wallowing to try much of any more involved hobbies at the moment.


Before he fell, his life was his work. He was born a messenger angel and stayed a messenger angel. He would fly all over Earth and throughout heaven too, to deliver messages to all kinds of humans, angels and even demons. He was the main messenger angel that received messages for Dwi and The Infernal Mall, along with many less-regular messages he would deliver anywhere else on any given day or week.

Aelth is not allowed to leave the reciever of a message until they receive it, meaning sometimes he has to make himself quite the nuicance to be heard on the occassion.



Aelth was a messenger angel conceptualized around 30,000 years ago, while the earth was going through an ice age.
For the most part, in the beginning, he mainly worked with angels within heaven and on earth on the ocassion.
Once civilizations started to form, Aelth began to show himself to more humans. He mainly came down during the winter months in whichever location he was sending messages in, because that was what he was most comfortable with.

Because Aelth most commonly revealed himself around winter he was soon associated with winter and had his name and likeness represented in elves. Santa’s little helpers. Likely because a human heard his nickname, Aelth, and had thought it was Elf. Either way, Aelth doesn’t mind too much, although sometimes people may not take him seriously due to his appearance’s similarities with the elves, and they don’t particularly like being called Elf if his real name is known.

After a while his job expanded and he no longer dealt with humans on a seasonal basis, but started sending more messages everywhere and to everyone. Making work much more hectic for the angel and giving them much less free time. He even started delivering and taking messages from demons on the occassion.
He’s a social butterfly so even with the added stress of getting messages everywhere they needed to go, he did enjoy the expansion of people he got to meet. Mainly in angels and humans, it was rare for him to befriend a demon but it could happen on occasion, to a degree. He especially liked to visit the lesser known angels and humans, or the ones that weren’t so talkative. Aelth didn’t really need to speak to get social value out of being around someone else, he did that enough for his job already. Sitting down and spending time with someone was just as good if not better than a long conversation. A short reprieve from the craziness of the rest of his life

Being a messenger angel is not an easy job, there are all sorts of messages that need to be carried out, some good… some very not good. Distancing yourself from the bad could be tough especially when you were made to feel and understand the emotions of another. The sheer load of messages that an angel could have to carry out could also be considered a feat on its own. Aelth never truly disliked his job, but he did regret how busy he was at times. His friendships with humans could be brief, hardly able to make a moment for them before their life was complete. It was never enough for him to get close to falling, but it stung at times.

The Fall

As is the fear of most angels, Aelth did eventually fall.
He fell while saving his friend, Jake's, life. He didn't and doesn't regret it, but it did come with a lot of downsides that affected him heavily. He hadn’t actually lost very many of his abilities but he lost the one he valued most, his flight. The thing that a messenger angel relies on the most for the entirety of their life.

After losing his ability to fly, everything came to a screeching halt for him, his life had only ever really been his job, meaning he no longer knew what to do with himself. And so he did nothing. He had no ambition to go anywhere or do anything, even if he did enjoy the company of others it wasn't enough to get him to try to move; not without help.
He really did enjoy his friend's company. Even though he had lost his ability to travel the world and meet with all sorts of people and make all sorts of friends, he still had a small pocket of close ones that he had made and valued. They took care of him while he wasn’t able to take care of himself and gave him a place to stay. He never really left it without heavy coaxing though, even if he did enjoy himself once he was finally out.


A messenger angel’s flight is their primary line of defense. Meaning one that can’t fly is near defenseless.
Aelth was found and cornered by demons while staying alone at Jake’s place. He was still slippery and put up a decent scuffle but he didn’t have any way to actually escape from the two demons attacking him and was ultimately reduced to a sprite, captured, and taken to the Devil, Trinity.

Things only got worse from there, he was put into an aquarium in Trinity’s private office, with very little to do to amuse himself. He was treated like a possession and had far too much of the Devil’s attention, he often had to play dressup and practically be the Devil's cute little plaything whenever they saw fit to grab Aelth out of his gilded cage.
Aelth only spiraled further into his depression. He learned how to sleep just to have a way to pass the time. He could socialize a little with the other sprites there but some of them weren’t quite sound of mind anymore… Or he could try to talk with Trinity himself, if they’d let him speak anyway. Not that it was ever really a wise idea to try. Sometimes he’d be put into other aquariums with other angels, but it was rare, and it got to the point where he stopped attempting to socialize all together.

Sprite form


In his suppressed state

Aelth's sprite form isn't actually all that different from his regular form, which is rather rare. It can easily be mistaken for when he shrinks himself down to a smaller size; however, his tail feathers are much larger, his halo and bells are missing, he has swirls on his cheeks, and his hat becomes unreasonably long.

He’s still able to voice mimic in this form, but he’s so small he’s not very loud. He’s also still able to speak most languages and dialects and would be able to fly if he hadn't fallen. As a fallen sprite he can use his wings for some mobility and gliding but he can’t fly.





Other Friends

All Over the world friends

Given the type of work Aelth had done up until falling, he has many friends all over the world. Although his relationship tab may look small here, he is by no means without relations. They are just less likely to be relevant to the story given most of their long-distance nature.



Previously fellow angel/ Best friend

One of Aelth's closest friends, he always enjoyed visiting Jake when he could, he would often take a small break from his work when he did so. Even after Jake had fallen and Aelth no longer had a job obligation to visit Jake, he would still do it frequently. Which lead to his fall when he tried (and succeeded) to save Jake's life. He doesn't blame Jake at all and greatly appreciates what Jake has done for him while he gets accustomed to his new life.


Andriel "Dandelion" or "Dandy"

Fellow Angel/ Best friend's brother

Aelth never really had to send messages to Dandy as he usually followed Jake, but they still got to meet on occasion and he also heard stories from Jake. He finds the other angel... Odd, but nice enough. Though the some odd times he has seen the angel in Dwi's company has been concerning.


Vidomniel Dwi

Previously fellow angel/ Previous Job task

Before he fell, Aelth used to frequent Dwi's company for his job as a messenger angel. To receive information on Dwi's endeavors, as amicable as the Devil was he knew better than to trust them and was always careful with his words when talking to them. He had also previously worked with Dwi when they were known as the Angel, Vidomniel, although they weren't close.


Finley "Fancy"

Best friend's love interest

Finley seems nice enough but Aelth can't help but hate his guts. As far as Aelth is concerned the whole situation of himself falling and Jake becoming a demon is Finley's fault, even if he knows somewhere in his heart that that's not the case he can't help but feel the way he does. He'll try to be nice for Jake's sake but he wants nothing to do with the demon.