Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:



This page contains a lot of dark and problematic content, but the fictional characters DO NOT reflect my real-life mindset. I don't long for or force you to like or respect some of my characters' mindsets or behaviors if they are against the moral standard. Just don't attach those to me; I use those contents just to add some spice to my characters. So if you cannot handle the contents I mention below or feel it is hard to distinguish between fiction and real life, this place is NEVER for you.


The contents of this page contain gore, body horror, war, history, death, disturbing images, and all the things involving depression, mental illnesses, twisted mindsets, and moral decadence. Yep, MORAL DECADENCE, so it will affect certain groups of people. But again, all of these are fiction, so do not take them seriously.


  • Gore;
  • Violent;
  • Unreality;


This page contains gore, violent, and sexual contents involving sexual assault, BDSM, paraphillias such as necrophilia, pedophilia, and fetish. And again, these things are FICTION.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


unethical experimentation

physical illness

mental health mention

disordered eating

gore by consumption

victim of physical abuse


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