


Name: Sylvie
Gender: Female
Original post

Little (owned by goldenboy) | BFF
Keith (owned by me) | friend who happens to be a boy

Sylvie is a gentle gal. she's very sweet and rather shy.
shes, not much of a fighter and can be often considered a pushover.
shes not a fan of confrontations or anything.

her favourite things are flowers,
slow music, romance movies and chocolates.
she loves the winter and how it allows you to stay inside all week long.

Sylvie's bed has always been scary to her. ever since she was little she imagined something lived in the space under her bed and if she wasn't careful it would eat her. something her brothers tended to make worse and worse with there teasing. they often would make her believe stuff like keeping yourself uncovered left you open to munching. she didn't mind keeping heavy blankets on in the winter but in the summer months keeping her monster away got troublesome. her usual ritual for bedtime is to tuck tightly under several blankets with her dream catcher above her pillow.
This being said, the bed doesn't really have a monster under it. the bed itself is actually the monster. her bed is actually a buddy, like the kind you get out of buddy balls. it's a trickster buddy that has taken the form of her bed to scare her on purpose. it doesn't actually care for her but it does love teasing her and messing with her head. it's a bit of a toxic relationship between the two that she's not fully aware of. thanks to being teased of being afraid of her bedroom she's been convinced that the monster is in her head and that shes the real problem with how she never gets any sleep anymore. being afraid all the time gives her anxiety that leaks into the other parts of her life and generally makes things unpleasant for her. often being paranoid about small things and stuff that she doesn't actually need to be paranoid about.

Sylvie is a romantic at heart. she loves everything about love and sweet stuff. she would be a flirt if it wasn't for her overwhelming shyness and constant paranoia. she worries all the time about how others think of her and it bothers her if she can't hear what someones saying but can tell that they are talking. even if they aren't talking to her she cant help but think that they may be saying something bad about here. all she really wants is to be loved but she doesn't have high hopes for it. her only really close friends are her brothers, who despite teasing her and being insufferable all the time do care about her and want the best for her. they would be ready to defend her at any point if something happened and he has even threatened someone for her after they snapped at her in public. she appreciates having her tough teddy bear of a brother.