


3 months, 25 days ago


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Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.



  • CREATOR Pokymingi
  • DESIGNER Pokymingi
  • VERSE Racerverse
  • WORTH $0 so far
  • THEME Unknown
  • VOICE Unknown

"Let's make sure the world sees your brilliance, Fuyuki."

Wanming, 32, a Wuhan native, is Fuyuki's dedicated PR manager in the competitive world of Formula One racing. Diligent and composed, Wanming balances Fuyuki's skyrocketing career with grace and professionalism. His days are spent strategizing media campaigns, attending meetings, and ensuring Fuyuki's brand is polished to perfection.

Outside of work, Wanming channels his meticulous energy into practicing Pilates, finding solace in the disciplined routine. He occasionally unwinds by exploring Tokyo's culinary scene, savoring unique dishes to expand his palate.


Wanming is a man of unyielding dedication and meticulous focus, epitomizing professionalism in his role as Fuyuki's PR manager. His serious persona, carefully cultivated over the years, serves as a shield against the vulnerabilities he guards closely. This demeanor reflects his inner desire to present an immaculate image, always striving for perfection in the eyes of others.

In the professional realm, Wanming is known for his unwavering commitment to his responsibilities. He meticulously plans and executes strategies to elevate Fuyuki's career, ensuring that every public appearance aligns with the carefully crafted image they aim to project. His serious and focused approach commands respect from colleagues and acquaintances alike, establishing him as a reliable and astute professional in the competitive world of Formula One.However, behind the scenes and away from the scrutinizing eyes of the public, Wanming reveals a more multifaceted personality. In the company of close friends and trusted coworkers, he occasionally allows a rare glimpse of his vulnerabilities. Shared laughter and genuine smiles emerge, contrasting the serious facade he wears in his professional life.

While Wanming's serious demeanor may create an air of formality, it conceals a depth of emotion and commitment to those he holds dear. His carefully curated professional image is a testament to his unwavering dedication and the high standards he sets for himself in both his personal and professional spheres.


In team meetings, Wanming's meticulous planning shines as he presents a flawless strategy for Fuyuki's upcoming racing events.While his attention to detail is commendable, it can lead to micromanagement and feelings of disempowerment among team members. His serious demeanor and reserved nature contribute to the air of professionalism, but some team members find it challenging to approach him with ideas or concerns. Despite his guarded exterior, Wanming privately grapples with a dilemma – whether to express his admiration for Fuyuki's unconventional methods or maintain a strictly formal relationship.

Wanming's reluctance to delegate tasks can be a source of frustration for his team. He prefers to oversee every aspect of a project, fearing that others may not uphold his meticulous standards. While his attention to detail is commendable, it can lead to micromanagement and feelings of disempowerment among team members.

Despite his serious demeanor, Wanming demonstrates unwavering support for his colleagues' professional growth. He readily offers constructive feedback and guidance, recognizing their strengths and encouraging them to reach their full potential. His commitment to fostering a positive work culture contributes to a cohesive and productive team dynamic.


  • Wanming's childhood was marked by the tranquility of a small district nestled in the heart of China. Born into a traditional family, he was instilled with values of discipline and hard work from an early age. His parents, both educators, emphasized the importance of education and instilled in him a sense of responsibility.
  • As a child, Wanming embodied boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm. He was known for his ever-present smile that could light up even the gloomiest of days. His days were filled with laughter, play, and a genuine curiosity about the world around him.Wanming's excitable nature manifested in his eagerness to explore every nook and cranny of the district. He was a constant source of joy for his parents, his laughter echoing through their modest home. In his early years, Wanming harbored dreams of becoming an explorer, inspired by the tales of distant lands and exotic creatures. His academic prowess was evident even in these carefree years. Wanming approached his studies with zest, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. His inquisitive mind, coupled with a natural aptitude for learning, earned him the admiration of teachers and peers alike.
  • Wanming's parents were pillars of their community, renowned educators who dedicated their lives to nurturing young minds. Their sudden demise was a result of a tragic car accident, leaving a void not only in Wanming's heart but also in the small village that had looked up to them. The accident occurred on a rainy evening as Wanming's parents were returning from a school event. A reckless driver lost control, colliding with their car. The news of their passing sent shockwaves through the close-knit community, leaving neighbors, students, and colleagues grieving.
  • At the tender age of ten, Wanming found himself thrust into the world of uncertainty. With no immediate relatives to turn to, he was placed under the care of the local orphanage. The transition from a warm, familial home to the regimented routine of an institution was jarring for the young boy. The orphanage, though well-intentioned, struggled to provide the emotional support and guidance that Wanming desperately needed. Surrounded by other children who had experienced their own traumas, he navigated the challenges of loss and abandonment. It was during these formative years that he learned to fend for himself, developing a sense of independence that would shape his future.
  • The void left by his parents' passing fueled Wanming's determination to create a life that would be impervious to such sudden upheavals. This period of his life instilled in him a deep-seated desire for stability, a drive to excel academically, and a resilience that would guide him through the trials that lay ahead. The scars of his orphaned childhood remained etched in his psyche, driving him to overcome adversity and forge a future marked by control and precision.


  • Wanming's teen years were dominated by the silent echoes of grief. The loss of his parents had a profound impact on his once-vibrant spirit. His laughter, once the melody of the village, became a rare occurrence, replaced by a solemn reserve. Wanming sought solace in the structured realm of academia, immersing himself in books and scholarly pursuits. Driven by a determination to create a stable and predictable life, Wanming excelled in his studies. His focus shifted from dreams of exploration to a pragmatic pursuit of knowledge. The once carefree explorer transformed into a meticulous scholar, navigating the complexities of life with a disciplined approach.
  • As Wanming entered adulthood, his academic achievements became a source of pride and stability. He carved a niche for himself in the scholarly community, earning recognition for his intellect and dedication. The scars of loss, while still present, fueled his pursuit of excellence, shaping his resilience and fortitude.
  • In adulthood, Wanming's commitment to control and stability manifested in every aspect of his life. His pursuit of success in academia led him to become a respected professional, known for his meticulous approach and dedication. The jovial explorer of his childhood became a serious and focused guardian of his own destiny.
  • Despite the hardships he faced, he immersed himself in his studies, demonstrating exceptional intelligence and resilience. His academic prowess opened doors to scholarships and opportunities, leading him to pursue higher education in business and public relations. Wanming's journey was not without setbacks, though. He encountered financial struggles and discrimination as a foreigner in the west, which fueled his determination to overcome adversity. During his university years, he juggled multiple part-time jobs to support himself, acquiring a strong work ethic and a disciplined approach to life.


  • In the bustling present day, Wanming stands as the poised and capable public relations manager for the enigmatic F1 sensation, Fuyuki. His journey to the thrilling realm of Formula One started in the world of celebrity PR, where he initially honed his skills as a strategic communicator. Wanming's proficiency in managing the public images of smaller-scale celebrities caught the discerning eye of a Formula One team manager scouting for a skilled PR professional. Recognizing Wanming's ability to navigate the intricacies of the entertainment industry, the team manager saw the potential for a seamless transition to the high-stakes world of F1. Embracing the challenge, Wanming seamlessly shifted from the realm of entertainment to the adrenaline-fueled domain of motorsports. His disciplined work ethic and capacity to handle the delicate intricacies of celebrity personalities made him an ideal fit for the dynamic and demanding environment of Formula One.
  • As Fuyuki rose to prominence, Wanming's role evolved into that of a public relations manager dedicated to managing the racing prodigy's public image. His calm and composed demeanor became a valuable asset in steering Fuyuki through the media circus surrounding the high-spirited racer. Wanming's duties include coordinating media appearances, shaping Fuyuki's narrative, and ensuring harmonious interactions within the Formula One community. Beyond the glitz and glamour of the racing world, Wanming serves as a stabilizing force in Fuyuki's life, providing structure and support to the serious racer. Despite the challenges posed by Fuyuki's eccentricities, Wanming navigates the complexities of his role with a level-headed approach, combining professionalism with genuine concern for Fuyuki's well-being.
  • Wanming's bond with Fuyuki goes beyond the professional realm. As the racing prodigy's closest confidant, Wanming provides unwavering support, acting as a pillar of stability amid the chaotic pace of the racing world. Their alliance extends to a shared pursuit of excellence, with Wanming guiding Fuyuki through the nuances of F1 etiquette and diplomacy. Despite Fuyuki's bubbly and carefree exterior, Wanming recognizes the deeper complexities beneath the surface. His role involves not only shaping Fuyuki's external image but also navigating the emotional intricacies that come with being an extraterrestrial sensation in a human-dominated sport. Wanming's reserved and composed demeanor complements Fuyuki's exuberance, creating a dynamic duo that captures the attention of both fans and the F1 fraternity
  • Wanming's ability to foster positive relationships extends to the broader F1 community. He tactfully navigates the dynamics between Fuyuki and other racers, ensuring that alliances remain cordial despite the competitive nature of the sport. From collaborating with other teams to coordinating appearances at events, Wanming establishes a diplomatic equilibrium to secure Fuyuki's standing in the competitive landscape. His interactions with team managers, sponsors, and fellow PR professionals showcase Wanming's finesse in maintaining a delicate balance between competition and camaraderie. Networking becomes an art form as he strategically positions Fuyuki as not just a formidable racer but also a valued contributor to the collaborative spirit of Formula One.
  • Wanming maintains a neatly styled hairdo with a center-side part, showcasing a touch of sophistication that gradually gives way to disarray throughout the day, courtesy of his endeavors in keeping up with the lively Fuyuki. Adding a unique flair, a small section of his hair is tinted in a dark red hue, a playful nod to the influence of Fuyuki's exuberance.
  • Wanming opts for a minimalist approach when it comes to piercings, adorning only his first lobes and one eyebrow.
  • Wanming features a dragon tattoo on his upper arm that reaches down to his wrist, complemented by waves climbing up his neck. He also has smaller tattoos, including a happy face, a cross, a heart, and Fuyuki's name, all crafted by Yuki through the stick-and-poke method. Additionally, there's a snake tattoo on his upper back.
  • Wanming has slender, monolidded eyes with a subtle wrinkle under one eye.


  • AGE 31
  • BIRTHDAY nov 12
  • RACE Asian
  • RESIDENCE Tokyo, Japan
  • ARCHETYPE The Hero
  • HEIGHT 6f
  • WEIGHT 70kg
  • STATUS Alive
  • RELATIONSHIP Divorcee (lol skill issue)


  • BODY BUILD: Lean

  • BODY SHAPE: inverted triangle

  • EYE SHAPE: slender

  • HAIR LENGTH: short

  • HAIR STYLE: depends

  • THREE SIZES: shirt M • Pants 32/32 • Shoes 9.5

  • eyebrow piercing.
  • birthmark on lower back.
  • Proin eget neque non sem porta aliquet
  • Etiam fermentum rutrum






  • Wanming carries himself with an air of composed professionalism. His posture is straight and well-maintained, reflecting a sense of discipline. There's a certain grace to his movements, especially in professional settings, where he exudes confidence and control. Despite the challenges of managing the unpredictable Fuyuki, Wanming manages to maintain his composure, adapting his demeanor to the needs of the situation.
  • Rarely displays overt emotions, keeping his expressions controlled and measured.
  • Shows patience and understanding, particularly in dealing with Fuyuki's unpredictable behavior.
  • Exhibits confidence in his posture and movements, reflecting his assured nature.
  • Balances professionalism with approachability, crucial for his role in public relations.


Wanming identifies as a male.






Hanming is chinese.

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  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • Aromatherapy
  • Travelling
  • Board/card games
  • Art
  • Late-Night Walks
  • Home-cooked meals
  • Fast-food
  • Gossip
  • Drinking/Getting drunk.
  • Wastefulness
  • Disorganization
  • Violence

CANDLE COLLECTOR: Wanming has an exquisite collection of essential oils and scented candles.He finds solace in essential oils and candles, enjoying the calming effects they bring to his surroundings.

CORK COLLECTOR: Despite not being a drinker, he collects corks with the intention of building a decorative wall, appreciating the memories associated with each piece.

BOOKBINDING: Takes on the craft of bookbinding, creating personalized notebooks and journals as a meditative hobby.

ECO-FRIENDLY PRACTICES: Forms habits like reducing plastic use, recycling, and carrying a reusable water bottle to contribute to sustainability.

PEN FIDGETING: Occasionally catches himself absentmindedly tapping or twirling a pen during moments of deep thought or concentration.

DAILY NEWS BRIEFING: Starts the day by catching up on the latest news to stay informed about current events and trends.

PHONE-FREE MEALS: Practices mindful eating by enjoying meals without distractions from electronic devices, savoring each bite and fostering gratitude.

SKIN-CARE ROUTINE: : Follows a consistent skincare regimen in the evening, cleansing and moisturizing to nourish his skin and unwind before bedtime.

  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Wanming speaks with clear enunciation and precision, each word carefully articulated. He tends to speak at a steady pace, occasionally pausing to emphasize important points or to allow his audience time to absorb his words.

  • COMMON STARTER: "Good Evening."

  • SWEARS?: Only with friends

  • QUIRKS: Wanming has a habit of clearing his throat or a subtle cough before starting to speak, perhaps as a way to compose himself or draw attention to his words.

Wanming's way of speaking is characterized by a poised and measured demeanor. When he talks, his gestures are controlled and deliberate, often using subtle hand movements to emphasize key points. His posture remains upright, conveying a sense of professionalism and confidence. Wanming's facial expressions are minimal, adding to his composed appearance. While he maintains a calm exterior, his eyes reflect attentiveness, showing that he is fully engaged in the conversation. Overall, his physical communication aligns with his role as a public relations manager, projecting an image of reliability and sophistication.

  • "Fuyuki's schedule is currently fully booked, you can contact us another time."
  • "Candles can add a touch of tranquility to any space. Have you considered scented ones?"
  • "A well-thought-out PR campaign can work wonders. Let's aim for excellence, shall we?"
  • "I appreciate spontaneity, but planning has its merits. It provides a sense of control and order."
  • "Fuyuki, please, just this once, can we stick to the schedule?"
  • COLOUR White
  • FOOD salmon w veggies
  • SEASON autumn
  • TIME OF DAY Night
  • HOLIDAY New Years
  • ANIMAL Crane
  • GENRE Unknown

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STRENGTH: Describe/ explain your character's strength here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

STRENGTH: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

STRENGTH: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

WEAKNESS: Describe/ explain your character's weakness here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

WEAKNESS: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

WEAKNESS: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

SKILL: Describe/ explain your character's skill here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

SKILL: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

SKILL: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.


GOAL: Describe/ explain your character's goal here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

GOAL: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

GOAL: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

FEAR OF LOSING CONTROL: The fear of losing control for Wanming stems from a desire for order, precision, and predictability. He thrives in an environment where he can carefully manage and orchestrate events to ensure everything runs smoothly, especially when it comes to his professional responsibilities, such as managing Fuyuki's public image.

FEAR OF DISAPPROVAL: Wanming's fear of disapproval may be rooted in his desire for perfection and maintaining a flawless public image. Being in the field of public relations, he understands the importance of approval and positive reception, and any sign of disapproval could be perceived as a failure on his part.

This fear might lead him to be highly attuned to others' expectations and opinions, driving him to strive for excellence in all aspects of his life. The thought of disappointing others, whether it be his colleagues, clients, or even Fuyuki, could trigger anxiety and stress. As a result, Wanming might go to great lengths to meet or exceed expectations, seeking validation and acceptance.

FEAR OF DRIVING: Even though he has the skills to drive, the emotional weight associated with the fear makes him hesitant to get behind the wheel, as well as the trauma he has with his parent's death. This fear manifests as anxiety, sweaty palms, or a sense of dread when faced with the prospect of driving. Wanming prefers public transportation, walking, or relying on others for rides to avoid driving himself.

  • POSTURE: Straight




Wanming maintains a healthy lifestyle, prioritizing both physical and mental well-being. He follows a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, ensuring he gets essential nutrients to support his busy lifestyle. He practices moderation and avoids excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks.Wanming maintains a healthy lifestyle, prioritizing both physical and mental well-being. He follows a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, ensuring he gets essential nutrients to support his busy lifestyle. He practices moderation and avoids excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks.

Mentally, Wanming practices mindfulness and stress-relief techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises. These practices help him manage work-related stress and maintain emotional balance. He also enjoys spending time outdoors, taking leisurely walks in nature to clear his mind and recharge. Wanming prioritizes preventive healthcare and attends regular check-ups with healthcare professionals to monitor his overall health. He understands the importance of self-care and seeks professional help when needed to address any physical or mental health concerns.

  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here. This box will scroll. Mauris eget venenatis arcu. Nulla imperdiet justo posuere, euismod est in, porttitor nisi.
  • Duis scelerisque risus vel mollis laoreet. Curabitur semper justo id cursus congue. Nunc a quam congue, gravida arcu ut, posuere velit.
  • Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam euismod, lectus non placerat gravida, orci tellus facilisis sapien, aliquam mattis ligula turpis tincidunt lorem.
  • Cras pellentesque enim sed est rhoncus commodo. Nullam dignissim turpis quis nulla dapibus, et pulvinar diam euismod. Nunc tortor nisi, mattis quis nisi nec, ultricies rhoncus eros. In vel ultrices leo.



  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."