Thorn (Arnold Wright)



3 months, 25 days ago


After not noticing the glaring red flags of a dangerous 'in-the-know' gangster, Arnold found himself in the midst of an entirely new reality as he was thrown into a morlynth as live bait. Thinking he was thrown into an average condemned mine shaft, Arnold pushed through his terror in an attempt to find his way up and out. To Arnold's dismay, going up the mine shaft led to an entire complex of strange dilapidated structures, hallways, and impossible tunnels stained from years of neglect or worse.

While wandering the strange complex, Arnold came across the remains of who he believed to have been the 'gangsters', the remains in question were bisected cleanly at the torso - recently. This sent Arnold into a panic, causing him to flee directly into the path of the Reaper. Luckily for Arnold, this specific revenant only targets the dead or near-dead, so it ignored the man. However, Arnold did not know this and fled the other way. He spent a very long time hiding within what appeared to be a tiny, empty broom closet before eventually poking his head out to see that nothing remained of the gangsters or the terrifying monster. Thinking it to be all a delusion, he left to keep finding a way out. Before getting too far, however, the man found a strange silver ball on the ground right where the gangsters had been. Arnold collected the ball before moving on.

This ball, unbeknownst to Arnold, was the phylactery of "The Silver One".

Becoming more and more comfortable with the presence of "Cuddles" has been a challenge for Thorn, as the hulking supernatural entity is incredibly difficult for the young man to read. Despite this, Thorn is doing his best to connect with the silvery metalled monstrosity, even involving "Cuddles" in daily tasks, his work outs, and routines. All of this proves to be difficult however as the revenant doesn't seem to know when to materialize, and when not to, leading to some minor accidents.

Thorn has no idea what "Cuddles" even is, or if it's even real at all. He doesn't necessarily want to come off as crazy if "Cuddles" is a product of his mind, and Thorn doesn't want to put his friends in danger if "Cuddles" is real. Even with that dilemma, Thorn isn't willing to retrace his steps to figure out what the truth is alone.