


7 months, 10 days ago


Name: Desiderio
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Species: Sprigatito

Team: The Clawed Corsairs
Position: Leader
Branch: Bounty Hunters
Team Type: Team with a Friend
Co-leader: Kyro on Toyhouse
Team Rank: Rookie

Level: 5
Ability: Overgrow

  • Ally Switch
  • Tail Whip
  • Leafage
  • Copycat

Nature: Impish
Characteristic: Thoroughly cunning


  • Calculating: Dez's prides himself on his ingenuity and ability to strategize
  • Hard Working: getting money back to his family is of great importance to him and so a great deal of his effort is poured into work
  • Sauvé: Dez knows how to smooth talk his way into or out of trouble
  • Graceful: Dez is well trained with his sword and capable of moving about with cat like grace
  • Vain: Dez puts more effort than he would care to admit into his looks
  • Sly: Dez has secrets he wants to keep and goal that do not always align with those around him, so he can be rather cunning and deceitful at times to get what he wants
  • Self Serving: he is unlikely to offer help for nothing in return, his priority is himself and his goals
  • Private: Dez is very hesitant to open up to people, deep down he's afraid of anyone seeing him as something that can be manipulated

Island Name & Hometown: Capim Town, Grass Continent


Desiderio comes from a once well-off, moderately-sized family, the first and only son of four children. His childhood was spent primarily spent studying both for school and for swordplay, both of which he excelled at. For these early years his family was happy, he got on well with his sisters, and his parents were kind and loving. However during his teenage years his father suddenly succumbed to illness, leaving his family heartbroken and hungry as their primary source of income suddenly vanished. Due to their comfortable life his sisters had not been encouraged to pursue many marketable skills of their own outside of common wifely responsibilities like sewing and cleaning, assuming that they would simply be married off into money. Now suddenly the responsibility of taking care of the family fell onto Dez's shoulders.

He dropped out of school--one less expense to worry about--and began taking up work as a sword for hire. After spending some time earning unstable money by the job, a man approached him about taking on some long-term work away from home, out on the sea. With the promise of stable income he couldn't very well say no, and it didn't take all too long to learn that he had been enlisted by a band of pirates. Over the course of months his mama's boy morality dwindled with every crime committed, growing cold in the desperation to keep his family fed. Years passed where he did not see them, relying only on letters for communication, sending packages filled with gold that he claimed came from honorable work. He couldn't bare to tell them the truth.

After years of working for this crew he had an abrupt falling out with the captain and they parted ways on the worst of terms. He managed to find work on another crew for a few years, but as luck would have it the GCSF caught up with them and he and this new crew were whisked off to jail. Once there he was given the offer to start his own Bounty Hunter team with the guild, as his experience with pirating could be beneficial for them in hunting down other criminals like himself. However in doing so he knew he would be painting a target on his back--a rat, a traitor to the groups he had worked for all his life. But if he said no that would leave him to rot behind bars while his family starved. What choice did he have?

As luck would have it though an old rival of his had been arrested alongside his former crew, a little street rat by the name of Kyro that made a habit of sneaking on to his ship and taking what he liked. The Shinx had been a real thorn in Desiderio's side for years, and it just so happened he had been in the process of robbing them yet again when the police made their arrest. With the two of them on parole and in service to the guild, naturally the GCFS took it upon themselves to have the documents drawn up for them to start their own joint team, but to both their dismay.


  • Rapier
  • Locket
  • Demi
  • He has a lazy eye; his right eye drifts up a bit