
4 months, 4 days ago


The main character of Jarnsaxa. He is a hairless bipedal alien with 4 arms. His species is treasured for its ability to consume any matter without waste, breathe and survive in any atmosphere, incubate the offspring of any alien species and have endless regenerative capability. Tully is the last of his species and was held captive in area 51 since birth, ruthlessly experimented on and tortured like a lab rat. Because of his extraordinary intelligence (im talking rick sanchez levels) humans decided not to kill him and instead to profit on the fact that he can incubate any species. While he toiled and tinkered daily on an escape plan he was ruthlessly r*ped and bred by any species the human saw fit to send into his cell so they could have a steady supply of aliens they needed more information on. After plenty of pushback from Tully the humans brainwashed him clockwork orange style into falling into a drunken state when anything sexual was thrown his way to make it easier for the humans to use him for breeding. Obviously, this traumatized him insanely and crippled his genius mind. After his long thought-out and clever escape, he found his way through space to the moon, Jarnsaxa, where he currently resides in a motel. He creates many complex inventions and frequently gives himself cybernetic augmentations his most prominent being several metal arms and tentacles that can sprout from his back at will. He is arguably the strongest alien residing at the motel due to his inventions and bizarre weapons that transcend normal thought. He has a very pronounced stutter from the trauma and is described as an egghead or a stick in the mud, usually using long scientific words nobody understands and despising any fun that distracts him from focusing on science.