Pink Lace Agate



2 months, 21 days ago


Character Theme(s): 
爱意难寻 from《一念之私·夙敌》
ROVE—Evalia ft. Luo Tianyi

Gem type: Quartz

Rank: Queen

- Bordeaux Pearl

Pronouns: she/her or they/them/their 

Clothing: frilly pink dress with white accents and highlights; sprinkled with various white diamonds, skirt is longer in back and made of transparent fabric, and her boots are knee-high. 

Height: 5'6"

Hair color: pink and white

Gem Location: forehead

Weapon: scythe that can become sword/spear

Special abilities: No real abilities; can make opponent "fall in love with her" briefly during battle to cause a distraction and is capable of healing powers. 

Fun fact: While quite kind to her servants, Pink Lace Agate actually has a horrible temper and will act violently depending on how angry she feels. She may seem calm and serene, but she's got a darker side. And while she's nice to her servants, they fear her response if they fail a task, as it can lead to bad punishments. If she feels that you have wronged her, she will come after you with all the rage of a wildfire. But for the most part, she is quite carefree, easygoing, relaxed, and kind, and she likes exotic things (such as tea and cakes from Earth) and is fine with letting others do the work. When her eyes open fully, it usually means she's getting serious. 

Favorite Quote: "Oh, calm down, darling. Come, have some tea with me. It's...imported."