
Take a moment to imagine all the beauty in the world.


Valerie Iseult St. Clair (née Gillies), BA, is one of the protagonists of Crêpes Suzette and a main character of The Paraffin Investigative Co. She is the wife of Tristan St. Clair and the mother of Vivienne and Vivian St. Clair, as well as the best friend of Zainul Arifin. She was widowed following Tristan’s death in 1989, though she recently entered a relationship with Boris Saburov.

Her sophisticated tastes contrast with her middle-class upbringing. Nevertheless, she constantly feels out of place, both amongst the elite student body of Brigmore University and in the rural setting of Ospomere.


Valerie is an aesthete in every sense of the word. She curates her life and her looks to fit her romanticised ideal of a high-class life. She extends her selectiveness to her relationships, only befriending those who are as cultured as she is. She revels in her uniqueness and takes pride in standing out, though she dislikes being criticised or mocked. Most of all, she wants to be recognised for her work, and she can be very competitive.

Her snobbery should not be taken as coldheartedness, however. As much as she desires critical acclaim and success, she also wishes to help others in need. She prioritises her values and morals instead of following the values of others, and she is generally accepting of others’ identities. Violence, cruelty, and injustice unsettle her.

In spite of her ego-driven nature, she still laments being alienated from others and wishes she was better at keeping friendships. She can be especially jealous and clingy towards the people she is close to, both romantic partners and friends alike. She is envious towards those whose success is dependent on friendships. Nevertheless, she can serve as a cheerleader to her friends, pushing them as much as she pushes herself.

She is highly sensitive, feeling and thinking deeply and intensely. Her artistic sensibilities are a result of her being deeply moved by beauty. She has a rich inner world, which she uses as a refuge from a world that overstimulates her. She tends to withdraw and wallow in her emotions. At the same time, she is often drawn to new interests and experiences and needs to be free to follow whatever inspires her, explaining her distaste for making plans.


Valerie is a thin middle-aged woman of slightly above-average height. She has fair freckled skin, short curly greying red hair, and green eyes. Her normal attire consists of a white shirt, a reddish brown necktie, high-waisted khaki trousers, a brown belt, and brown dress shoes. She prefers androgynous or male clothing, sometimes wearing her late husband’s clothes for this reason.

In her younger years, she wore her hair long, braiding the sides of her hair and tying it back with a white ribbon. In more formal situations, she would tie her hair in a double-braid tuck. Her preference for masculine-leaning fashion was already apparent during this time, and her normal attire consisted of a white shirt with a yellow waistcoat and brown trousers.


Full name
Valerie Iseult St. Clair, née Gillies
Valerie, Val, Iseult (in her teen years)
Date of birth
6 May 1962
Non-binary female (she/her)
Demiromantic bisexual
170 cm / 5’ 7”
54 kg / 119 lbs
Blood type
Hathaway, Dristol
BA Classics (Literae Humaniores), University of Brigmore
Painter/playwright, HR manager (temporarily), secondary school teacher (temporarily)
Roman Catholic
Personality type
INFP [FM - Fi/Ne - CP/S(B)] #1
Enneagram type
4w3 sx/so 497 (368)
Big 5 (SLOAN)



Passion / Playfulness


  • Classical literature
  • Fairytales
  • Intellectual discussions
  • Highbrow culture
  • Pop culture
  • Tea, coffee, and wine
  • Bland foods
  • Psychology
  • Science and technology
  • Animal lovers
  • Romanticism
  • Philanthropy
  • Classical and baroque music
  • Pop music
  • Metropolitan areas


  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Outdoorsy activities
  • Lowbrow humour
  • Paranoiacs
  • Pessimists
  • Child haters
  • Spicy food
  • Going to the pub
  • Dancing
  • Heavy metal
  • Corporate background music
  • Social media


  • Writing
  • Drawing and painting
  • Jogging
  • Reading and research
  • Playing the piano
  • Singing
  • Media production
  • Taking naps
  • Daydreaming

Early history

Backstory here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus orci et lectus hendrerit gravida. Fusce at risus at purus dictum venenatis a vel enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis placerat massa nulla, vitae dapibus dui pulvinar quis.

Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus. Phasellus finibus iaculis magna. Etiam magna nunc, ultricies placerat purus vel, elementum molestie ex. Vivamus in ultricies neque, sit amet aliquam mauris. Pellentesque eu dui augue.

Nulla consectetur, nunc vitae aliquet faucibus, ipsum erat lacinia lectus, non porttitor sapien purus nec nisl. Aliquam sodales orci eu dolor lacinia porta.

Sed enim justo, blandit ac aliquam eu, condimentum ut sapien. Donec libero ante, lacinia pharetra eleifend aliquam, pharetra at arcu. Ut mollis tempus convallis. Quisque suscipit faucibus consequat. Sed mollis tempor mauris ut facilisis. Curabitur ullamcorper lorem vel dui dignissim, eget sodales nulla fermentum. Maecenas leo libero, consectetur ac vulputate eu, commodo in risus. Nam elementum semper leo in volutpat.


Tristan St. Clair

Tristan: Late husband

Has known each other since: 1983

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.

Vivienne St. Clair

Vivienne: Daughter

Has known each other since: 1985

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.

Vivian St. Clair

Vivian: Son

Has known each other since: 1985

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.


Zainul Arifin

Zainul: Best friend

Has known each other since: 1991

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus orci et lectus hendrerit gravida. Fusce at risus at purus dictum venenatis a vel enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis placerat massa nulla, vitae dapibus dui pulvinar quis.
  • Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus.
  • Phasellus finibus iaculis magna. Etiam magna nunc, ultricies placerat purus vel, elementum molestie ex. Vivamus in ultricies neque, sit amet aliquam mauris. Pellentesque eu dui augue. Nulla consectetur, nunc vitae aliquet faucibus, ipsum erat lacinia lectus, non porttitor sapien purus nec nisl. Aliquam sodales orci eu dolor lacinia porta.