
I feel like it'd be better to unload everything I had tried to sell for 2023 in this (approximately) early year of 2024
So I'm doing a sale for everything remaining ! As usual, lore bits will be under it, and can be omitted if not needed

  1. "Fruit Cake" Ruby-Zoisite : CLOSED 4$/4€
    Ruby-Zoisites are considered the elite of the elite in the ranks of Rubies. Despite their diformities color-wise, they are taller than the regular red gems, as it's said it's because of a mix of two gems ...
    Because of that, they are deployed only thoughout the most important of missions, protecting high-ranked gems and even Diamonds !
    ''Fruit Cake'' is one of those Gems, belonging to White Diamond's Court and deployed only when said Diamond needs her VIGs (very important gems) escorted. The shards on her hair is just crystalized fragments of her power (most likely poison/fire)
  2. Defective Pyrite : CLOSED 4$/4€ as base price [Reference used was the Pyrite gem type by MysticPlies]
    A Gem originally concepted to be a thief, this one was ... difference. Both physically and mentally, as she 'developed' a high, strategic intellect. Her weapon's also more elongated than the others, getting exiled by her original scavenger guild. Since that moment, she tries to repent herself by getting useful to army tactics. Maybe it will help her get better ...
    [A reminder that this one has an offer attached to it : you can 'ascend' the gem to 'Legendary' and making her look more badass (refer to this as exemple). Originally at 20$/20€, it's now at 12$/12€ for the Pyrite]
  3. Undercooked Bixbite : OPEN 6$/6€ with corruption form offered
    Even before her corruption, she ... wasn't the most appreciated Bixbite. Not because of her personality, but rather her strength : emerging waaaay too early made her extremely tall and thin, but also very fragile, both emotionally and physically. She tried to still fit in her mold and be a nice little soldier, but her incessant poofs for no reasons, as well as a near shatter, caused her to be cast away to reserve, until they'll find a place for her ... Unfortunately, reserve troops also went to Earth ... 
  4. Bixbyite : OPEN 6$/6€ with corruption form offered
    Despite her looks, she is NOT a Bixbite ! She emerged, firstly overcooked, but also looking so similar to one that everyone considered her being one, but she is a completely different kind of gemstone ! Rumors and slanders turns around this gem with little to no confidence, always on the fleeing instinct if anything got ... somwhat wrong. And as you might expect, she was sent to Earth for fighing the Rebellion, but couldn't do much ... avoiding all fights, gathering a reputation of deserter at some point !
  5. Fighter Bixbite : OPEN 6$/6€ with corruption form offered
    This Bixbite is MADE for battles ! Thanks to the position of her gemstone, she can materialize a crystalized claw and use it as a sword. Its durability also saved her several times as a shield, although it's not its primal usage. Just like the other two, she was sent on Earth for fighting the Rebellion, and the blue Bixbite was an ace to her troop ! Whether or not she managed to escape before the 'final blow' is unknown ...
  6. Sardonyx : CLOSED 4$/4€
    An extremely prestigious Chalcedony, to the point of being in a Sapphire-like rank, this Gem is one-of-her-kind ... at least her banding. Not a lot of red onyx has been reported recently on Homeworld, so her rarety made her quite popular. Despite her frail and smooth attitude, she can easily defend herself !
  7. Heliotrope : CLOSED 5$/5€
    A variant of the usually blood-thirsty Bloodstones, Heliotrope is made for battles. With her massive sword, she is really effective in close combat, whether it's against another gem, or anything else that stops the Gems to conquer a planet to colonize ! Even if, most of the time, she can be seen standing still like a statue ...
  8. Chryso & Prase : OPEN 8$/8€
    Two Gems who is told to be born at the exact same time, from the same place, they are always together. Never a gem saw one without the other ! Chryso, being the observant, social butterfly one, mostly do what Prase, the shy one, can't achieve, especially in conversations. But having a silent 'twin' can be pretty useful ...
  9. Mint Spinel (Prompt was one of mine, literally asking for a Spinel) : OFFERED WITH CLOVER COURT
    A Spinel born with two right hands, making her quite clumsy for almost everything she holds ... except juggling !
  10. Sugar Crystal (Prompt was "Pastry Lady") : CLOSED 4$/4€ [5$/5€ if bought with Palmier Spinel]
    Not a lot to say about her, she's just a sweet pie, making pastries to everyone ! Even if her lore would involve being a Homeworld Gem, she'd just be the head of the army's cafeteria !
  11. Palmier Spinel (Prompt was "A character based on a pastry") : CLOSED 4$/4€ [5$/5€ if bought with Sugar Crystal]
    This Spinel emerged with a weirdly high intelligence, sometimes even outsmarting high-IQ Pearls, and she's proud of it ! Maybe ... a bit TOO proud, actually.
  12. Chlorophyll (Prompt was "A Stick Insect lady (actual stick/feaf variant, your choice) : OPEN 4$/4€ 
    A caretaking Gem, created from an alchemist because of her non-gemic composition. She can be seen weavering plant-like textiles and offering it to anyone wanting it. When she first met humans, she was considered as "everyone's grandma" and ... didn't really mind that : after all, she always thought she was one, without actually knowing the meaning !
  13. Oxydated Copper Pearl (Prompt was "A gijinka of a monument") : CLOSED 4$/4€ 
    A Pearl, used to be in a glittery brown color, slowly became more and more annoyed of her own decorative role ... until she literally and figuratively oxidated, turning into a sickly greenish color. Some even speculates that a drawing of Blue Pearl leaked into an abandoned, almost broken pad on Earth, found by a brilliant architect and loved it so much he created a monument in the glory of this drawing !
  14. Rosé Champagne Pearl (Prompt was "Character wearing a classy suit") : CLOSED 4$/4€ 
    A Pearl always seen in bals and other parties spread around Homeworld (and later on on Earth). Despite that, this Gem is a literal partypooper : getting in them for her own benefits, and looking down at anyone daring to talk to her ! And like she's ironically the sign of an excellent party/bal, no one really wants to kick her out ...

Here's the rules !

  • Feel free to change the design after purchasing (like, more details or whatever)
  • Paypal only
  • Don't resell her above the given price and no refunds
  • The lore/description isn't sealed to changes at all ! If you want to make it a male gem, or a robot-like gem : go for it !
  • I wouldn't mind seeing me getting mentioned to any fanarts. But that'll just be your choice. You need to still credit me-