5. The Hierophant - Lexus



4 months, 4 days ago




The High Priestess

Lexus Consecratus

"Blessed one" they say. Its sort of what you can expect from someone raised to be faithfull since the very begining. The son of two very well known people amongs the religious community.
Pray all day, do as told, question nothing, thats how it always was, all alone in the dark, not even a single second avalible for thinking, prayer after prayer,non stop

And than, the voice spoke

The Holy Lampropeltis itself called out, noticing the determination in him. When news broke everything went wild. Suddently, everyone was lisening to 'The' Hierophant.

“You stay soft, get eaten Only natural to harden up”




"The right hand of the Holy Lampropeltis", "The High Priest", "Hierophant" "The Consecratus' son". Its all that life was now, the people's knowledge of 'Lexus' was always small, they had not much reason to show him of much beforehand, and by the time there was a reason, his name was long forgotten, all he was now were titles, he no longer was a person in other's eyes
Due to the wings he had on his ears people started refering to him as an angel, he started wearing that golden veil of his to hide them, he knew he was strange for having them in the first place, he didn't want to anger the Holy Lampropeltis by claiming to be something Divine when he was not.

All he did was get the message across, that was all, he didn't think he should be treated as anything else, the Holy Lampropeltis would want equality, how could he be a devoted follower and accept all the praises that claimed him to be more than the rest.

The Tower was built, and he had no choice but to accept the life that was handed to him as the one getting across the Holy Lampropeltis' message.


The Hierophant


And so, the Hierophant lives in the tower all by himself, the only company being the Holy Lampropeltis itself, distractions were not needed afterall. He left the tower if orders called for it, he let others know whatever the Holy Lampropeltis told him and they did as he said. He was talking about some plan the Holy Lampropeltis was working on about bringing the long lost equality back, and so the crystals started being set up at last.