
3 months, 24 days ago


Accept chaos, or reside in ignorance


  • Chaos, all kinds, any kind!
  • Milk, yummy!
  • The sun, there's just something so mesmerizing about a giant ball of flame and gasses that constantly explodes inside of itself
  • Art, I mean they are the god of it, and it's a nice way of creating meaning out of chaos
  • Imagination, especially the cute little games that kits make up!


  • Order
  • Organization
  • Philosophers, how dare they try to make sense of the world when everything is just a giant jumbled mess of matter
  • Orange juice, it's too sweet or tart and there's never a good balance of it
  • -


  • Link - stars #2699
  • Milk - chaos
  • Abilities - Can turn anything into milk, bend reality, and cause overall chaos. If it's weird and confusing, Milk did it.
  • Their blood is made of milk
  • Their eyes are made of milk
  • Phenotype - Dominant white [genetically taupe-apricot silver charcoal broken braided torbie mink] with white eyes
  • Edits - [ nr ] accessory [ c ] shorter tail, ear tufts, whiskers, ear placement, pupil [ uc ] unnatural eye color, mid fur edit
PRONOUNS It / they
AGE Infinite
RANK Primordial God
THEME inchman

Milk is the god of chaos and is completely, utterly ignorant of how the universe works, but they don't care. Reality itself bends to their will and they've created an entire dimension just for them: the Chaos Dimension. Everything is upside-down, and nothing works like it's supposed to.

As for their place among the gods, it doesn't spend very much time with them, being a being of chaos and whatnot. The others gods, Primordial and younger, don't seem to fully understand them and their place in the world. I mean, to be fair, neither does Milk. For the most part, they stick to themself and only appear when a feline is creating art.



Silly goofiness fills their head all the time. It's nothing but chaos at any given moment and they have no room for negative feelings or politics among the gods, only silliness. Milk is the god of chaos, reality, and art. All of these things are insanely intertwined as reality is chaos, and art is the mortals' way of making sense of it. Passions and emotions are put into art and all of those things can be confusing and messy. Milk thrives off of this and thoroughly enjoys watching mortals make art of any kind.


Milk has always been here, since the begining of time. Perhaps they were here even before that. No one truly knows, not even Milk. They've just always existed. It sets them apart from the other gods, because they know where they came from. Buoyar came from a meteor, and Ethimos was created from the collision of two stars. It puzzles the other gods, but Milk doesn't mind never knowing. Afterall, confusion is its favorite activity!

The Chaos Dimension

It's basically your typical world, except everyone walks upside down and the sky is always pink. The clouds are made of chocolate milk and items often pop in and out of existence. No one knows where they go, not even Milk. Milk doesn't mind it though. The grass grows into the ground instead of upward, and birds swim in the air instead of fly. Any mortal who goes into the Chaos Dimension never comes back out the same. Milk can't have them running around with a clear mind telling the others what kind of company they keep. Their tiny brains would implode!


Milk's friends reside in the chaos dimension and they consist of an inchworm that folds in on itself, a tardigrade that farts out chocolate milk, and another cat who can change shape at will, but can never lose their tophat. Milk finds comfort in their dimension and their ability to control every aspect of it. Control is what gives them security, because nothing can go wrong when you control chaos...

Inside Joke

While on a walk with one of their friends in the Chaos Dimension, Milk, the god of chaos, stumbled upon a golf ball. Its friend joked that Milk should eat said golf ball. Milk obliged and picked up the orb, opening its mouth. The friend screamed with fear and told Milk it was a joke! Now those two take any opportunity to poke fun at the memory. Someone's being annoying? "Eat a golf ball!" Someone doesn't know what to eat? "Eat a golf ball!" There's endless uses for this inside joke, and Milk thoroughly enjoys it.


The only thing the Milk fears is order and restriction. They are terrified of losing their powers over things and they hate when their wings are clipped. Once upon a time, this exact thing happened. A god took control of the others gods and dictated what they were allowed to do. This one god, whose name is never spoken, took everything away from Milk and made them feel worthless...Normal...Thankfully the other gods overpowered their tyrant ruler and restored freedom to their domain. Now they can go back to doing whatever they want, like creating solar flares for the mortals to gawk at, or spawning an entirely new type of sea creature! It's much more fun this way and Milk wouldn't have it any different.

NAME relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.

NAME relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.