Ronav Myrrah



4 months, 1 day ago


Contains sensitive content, click for details

  • Manipulation
  • Abuse (Mental/Physical)
  • Blood
  • Wing clipping/cutting
"You'll change your name or change your mind And leave this fucked up place behind"
Rovan Myrrah
Spotted Dove
Officially deemed as a missing person

"Ronav Myrrah"

"Ronav Myrrah was a young man known for dating one of the most influential man in the bussiness world, according to reports he has been missing for the past two years and many assume him to be dead becuse of his known 'mental problems' but his once lover seems to be eagerly searching to this very day"

Early life

Rovan grew up in a symple household. They weren't getting by just fine but were not rich enough to care for high standard things. He went to am all boys school and throughout his schoolyears many have teased him over his almost feminine form and strange nature, but he always brushed it off.

After all of that he worked in a cafe to pass time while he figured out what he wanted to do with his life, that was where he meet Montgomery. He was unaware of the fact that this man was the son of the guy who owned both the cafe and lot of other things If one would have analysed any establishment, they could easily find a tie back to the Sanguis family somehow. Montgomery was just there to practice what it'll be like once it all belonged to him, so he decided to do a checkup on said cafe where he meet Ronav and insatnly was curious about him,they seemed to get along really well and it took them a few months to get to know eachother before they started dating. They were dating for a little while before the entire company became Mongtgomery's after his parents' passing. Ronav soon moved in with him as Montgomery stated that he'd love to completely fund anything and everything he could ever want, and was not willing to take no for an answer.

High up places
Sound of metal
Forced to cover up freckles
treated as a porcelain doll

What the news don't tell

And if I were someplace else, would this be easier?

Ronav was with Montgomery for years and it didn't take him long to realise the true nature behind the facade that he shows to the public. Who he once believed to be a charming man was in reality a cruel sadist, abusing all the power he has just to show everyone that messing with him is the worst idea one could ever have. Ronav himself learnt the hard way what cost his once beutifull wings. His skin to this day is littered with the scars he left and he can still call himself lucky to know that he made it out alive..for now he fears


In reality, Ronav is a runaway, actively hiding from the man that took everything from him. His freedom, his old life, his wings. After failing to runaway from him atleast 3 other times, he suceeded at hiding by pretending to be a flower girl. Luckily the man who took him in understood his troubled past and decided to take him under his care


Montgomery Sanguis (ex)"lover"

Montgomery is his past lover who to this day is searching for him. He is a horrible person who makes sure he gets whatever he wants

Natalie Forde -

Old coworker he apparaently used to work with in a cafe. Since than died in an accidental housefire