s e e t h e s's Comments

Genuinely offering… I’ll say $25! I don’t have any add ons unless you want a future voucher or smth maybe?

Such a cool design!  Does anyone here interest you? Happy to trade multiple OCs! https://toyhou.se/NorbezJones/characters/folder:5236007

Unfortunately i didnt see anyone so ill have to pass! Thank you for the offer!

Np, ty!

Dies Because he looks so cool, I can shoot my shot again if you’d see anyone without nft tag (it’s oki if not since I know I offered recently so no hard feelings, but this guy is super cool I love the colors!) 

I had a look! Im sorry again ;; i didnt see anyone i would use atm! But seriously your designs are so nice ;; </3 Thank you for offering again ;; the ones i did see were on hold LOL

this guy looks incredible omg ill offer art

How much art/what type?

how much are you lookin for? i can do chibi or my usual

me who forgot what the usual is 

just my non chibi style lmao

Gotcha, i dont usually like picking the amount of art, so feel free to offer a set amount ^^

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