Velvet (Complex)


Basic Info


Skin Color:

White (FFFFFF)


Red-Ish color (ffb6ad)

Fin(s) Color:

Pink (f9c5e8)

Head Fin:

Red-Ish (ffc3bc)


Red (96141e)


Light Red (ef838a)

Tongue Color:

Red (ff6e63)

-- FEATURES (Neck and Lower) --

Stomach Color:

Bandaged, But it is pink-ish (ffc6bf) when she doesn't have her outfit on. ^^

Bubbles (Arms and legs):

Pink (Like fins, f9c5e8)

Shuriken Leg "Marking":




Base color is Gray, While the straps are red and underneath some parts are red also, She wears a very big bow on the back on her outfit. (Gray: 242424) (Red: 9f2e36)

Ear piercing:

She has a small red bow pierced through her left ear. (Bow color: ad1f2a)

Hair Stuff:

Must draw


Velvet's "Complex" adds more detail onto her design. She still keeps her very gentle, kind, soft-spoken, personality.

COMMISSION NOTICE: when drawing this character, PLEASE do the correct features! I'm tired of saying it! As of 9/10/18, If something is not drawn correctly, not to sound harsh, But you MUST add it onto her design or redraw it! (This applies to Complex only.) To not have it redrawn, PLEASE CAREFULLY read her tab information I have specifcally put there for you! Excuse me for being harsh, It is just very annoying and I would rather not have tell you, since I am a bit self-conscious about asking for changes. It makes me feel bad.