


3 months, 19 days ago


Open for offers on this girl, would only be intersted in swapp for another female design by terraterrific

She is good friends with Tempest and Chastity. She is a bit wary of Winnie

Has a very mild personality; tends to fade into the background and often forgotten about. And she's fine with this. Better to go unnoticed than to receive negative attention. Is the straightman to all her friends' unhinged ideas.
Because she is so quiet people assume she is a pushover but that is not the case; she is someone who firmly sticks to her morals and is not afraid to say "no" or walk away.

Most of her story takes place in the background while her friends do much more interesting things. She slowly takes notice that something is off about the girl who works in the library and has her own little sidequest to figure out what exactly is going on there.