


3 months, 25 days ago



hello! i think they are so cute. i'd actually make them a woman, who tends to look rather masculine out of personal preference (also she just loves scaring men away...) very stoic, and a big fan of sarcasm. pretty much everything she says is sarcastic, but that's just her it's best not to take it personally. she is sometimes softer, but that's only when she's in a vulnerable state. 

she has a brother (to be made if i get her) that she loves to roughhouse with, the two spar together a lot. they're twins and she is older than him which she will always tease him about. the two protect eachother, making the perfect combat duo. they go on adventures together and often take on some dangerous quests.

she's lesbian, and her brother helps her with.. very bad pickup lines. so she is single due to the horrible advice of her wingman. her type is someone she can protect really, a sweetheart who cares about those around her and ofc would accept her brother. 

she wears her eyepatch as she got wounded during a fight once, when protecting her brother. she isn't insecure about the injury at all she just prefers to keep it hidden as her severed eye may scare people and she doesn't wish to do that. 

loves fighting with axes and spears, you'll never see her without a weapon

her fav place to be is in the snowy mountain ranges, it feels like home to her as her hometown was in the mountains (before it was destroyed). she adores camping and is an expert at starting fires, she will brag about it a lot. also a very good hunter, but she's respectful about it and always makes sure not to cause the animal unessacary pain. she has a ritual she performs, it's like a sacred thank you to the animal for the food provided, a way to show her respects. 

backstory def has a lot of angst! i was thinking their town was destroyed (mentioned above) by a bandit guild lead by a rather cruel and bloodthirsty man whom everyone hates. she and her brother were the only survivors, having to watch their parents die before their own eyes. her brother wanted to go back and help, but she grabbed him and dragged him away knowing if he went back there she would never see him again. to this day she suffers from ptsd and survivors guild from the experience