
4 months, 10 days ago


๐ต๐’œ๐’ฎ๐ผ๐’ž ๐ผ๐’ฉ๐น๐’ช

Malus is a Warforged fighter. (*Note:ย hes warforged but not from the โ€˜cannon warforged loreโ€˜. i just stole what a warforged is.) His body is the armour, with the exceptions of his joints being wooden. Heโ€™s basically like a balljointed doll. To add to this, he has a wooden โ€˜ribcageโ€™ of sorts inside his chestplate.
the Warforged has only existed for about 15 years, but has no set mental age. He seems to be comftorable with masculine terms, and has no established sexuality. Hes also Lawful evil, but that could change to some sort of neutral deppending on the story hes in.

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Malus was created for one purpose and one purpose only. And that purpose, he succeeded at greatly. Much effort was put into building this warforged. To keep him living and strong, to not crumble at the littlest strike, Bellum, the king of centrum orbis, commanded all of his best magic wielders to make a heart so packed with magic it could never fail him.

With this, and a blacksmithโ€˜s finest suit of armour, the perfect warrior is born. Centrum orbis was known by other kingdoms for bellumโ€™s selfish desire to rule over all of his surroundings. Almost constantly, others found themselves being invaded and attacked by centrum orbis in genocidal massacres. Although bellum very often did not succeed at taking over the placeโ€™s heโ€™d set his sights on, heโ€™d made himself known, and other kingdoms knew to stay away, unless they wanted their soils soaked in blood.

When malus is added to bellumโ€™s little collection of weapons, everything changes. The warrior shows immense ease in anything combat related, maneouvring every attack almost flawlessly, all while taking very little damage due to being a litteral set of walking armour. Malus had little to no feelings, atleast not many that he knew of, not letting those get in the way of any killings he had to commit for the king.

Truth is, bellum would pull sick and twisted pleasure from seeing others suffering. Satisfying, entertaining, fulfilling, whatever it may be, it definitely was not something pleasant. And like many warforged do, malus learnt from this man that he served so close under. Malus had slaughtered entire villages, all by his own hand, and instead of any hint of remorse, hed embrace it. All like bellum had shown him. Blood splattering on the ground, Screams of terror, the look in the villagers eyes..Glory. It brought him glory, made him proud.

The more time malus spent serving bellum, the more obsessed the warforged grew, seeing him as the ultimate being. He worshipped bellum like a god, and would do anything the man asked in the blink of an eye. It went to crazy unhealthy degrees of needing attention from him. Malus would act towards bellum like a child would act trying to gain any sort of attention from their mother. Bellum caught onto this, and decided to immidiately take advantage of it, knowing he really could ask malus to do ANYTHING. (Despite kind of..Having a lot of resentment for malus. Its complicated. He hates malus for being clingy, but loves him for how useful of a weapon he is.) And so, every day that would pass, the more and more bodies piled up. The more deaths were assigned to malusโ€™s fault. And he did not care.

With malus, centrum orbis started to actually grow, successfully getting rid of habitants in nearby lands, taking over what they could. Upon realising this, other kingdoms grew worried, starting to plan a revolt. If this continued, Centrum orbis could prove to be a much bigger problem than it currently was. Especially with how depraved their leader was.

One fateful day, as malus left to wipe another village off the map, with only a few helpersโ€ฆSaid revolt made their way to Centrum orbis, successfully getting rid of bellum. With this simple death, malus loses his purpose, leader and everything he'd ever known. His entire life hed lived ONLY following orders. He had little to no capacity to make his own decisions because of his dependence on bellum.ย 

Today, He roams, Trying to find one of two things..; A way to revive his former leader and restore him to his full glory, or a new purpose, fighting for another powerful monarch. All of this is done with an insane amount of money on his head, which makes it difficult to navigate without problem. Poeple either want him dead, or want him to themselves as their weapon.

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Malus dosent SEEM to have a personality. He dosent know himself, truly. He dosent understand anything he feels at all, making it difficult to form some sort of connection with him. Many who have met him and somehow been able to look past his murderous urges, violent tendencies and horribly disgusting past try to mentor him into something better. Malus knows very little about the world beyond murder, making him feel slightly childlike to some. Perhaps, hes not cursed to being an awful soul forever.

๐ธ๐’ณ๐’ฏ๐‘…๐’œ ๐น๐’œ๐’ž๐’ฏ๐’ฎ

A few rumours and folktales have spread of the warrior. One of these is the belief that his cape was once white, but died red permanently by blood.ย // His joints and ribcage are the key to beating him, if one has the misfortune of having to fight him. These are much weaker than his armour, and leave him in an excruciating pain hes not used to if hurt. He just ends up curling up on the floor and writhing in pain. Its a liiittle pathethic for what he is but whatever. //ย Malus is terrified of cucumbers. Theres no reason to this. He just is. //ย Malus enjoys pressure on the โ€˜foreheadโ€™ part of his helmet. its comforting to him. Think of it like a cat getting ear scratches.

Noteย to friends: I used to have malus be more romantically interested in bellum and all, but ive decided to change that. It makes more sense for malus to have more of a childlike mind due to how little he knows and understands about himself and the world. I dont think heโ€™d be able to understand any relationships, so anything like that ive said about him in the past is to be ignored. My little arts that have bellum and malus in them should be looked at more like malus seeing bellum as a โ€˜fatherโ€™ Rather than potential romantic partner.