Eurydice Nimfeach



3 months, 7 days ago


Eurydice Nimfeach

Called Eury

Gender Female

Pronouns She/They

Age 29

Birthday Crion 20

Heritage Thunderstruck

Title Book Binder

Homestead Blank for now

Discord SailorJager

HTML Pinky


“Life's a storm, darling, but I've learned to dance in the rain”



Height 5ft 3in

Build Curvy

Eyes Hazel

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Blond

Hair Style Wavy but braided

Thunderstruck Down the spine


  • Her mark from her birthright goes down her spine so others have not seen it.
  • She tends to wear very little to no makeup, choosing to rock a more natural look.
  • Name is pronounced Eurydice (Eur-id-ih-see) Nimfeach (Nihm-fa-hhk).


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Eurydice possesses a friendly disposition that helps her connect with others. However, her openness can make her susceptible to manipulation as she sometimes trusts too easily, risking disappointment or betrayal.

While Eurydice’s willingness to embrace the unpredictable adds an element of foolish charm to her, it occasionally leads her into impulsive decisions that may not be in her best interest. Her laughter, though a source of joy, can be a mask concealing deeper emotional struggles that she hesitates to share with others. She ends up choosing humor to mask pain and hurt, determined to not show others they can get to her.

Bravery is a defining trait in Eurydice’s character, but it can sometimes border on recklessness. Her calm demeanor in challenging situations may mask a reluctance to confront deeper insecurities, leading her to avoid addressing certain issues head-on. Her sincerity, while appreciated by some, can come off as bluntness occasionally causing friction in her relationships.

Eurydice's toughness is a product of her resilience of being a stormborne, but it also makes it challenging for her to ask for help when needed, as she perceives vulnerability as a weakness. Her carefulness in choosing battles can sometimes translate into hesitation, causing missed opportunities. While her humor serves as a coping mechanism, it can also be a defense mechanism, preventing others from seeing the vulnerability she hides beneath the surface. Finally, her occasional laziness in conforming to societal expectations may result in missed opportunities for acceptance and understanding from those who could become allies.

Rp Comfort Meme:


Nature's Beauty

Eurydice finds joy in the simple yet profound beauty of nature. Whether it's the gentle rustle of leaves, the vibrant colors of a sunset, or the calming sound of rain, she appreciates the wonders that the natural world offers.

Good Reads

Eurydice has a love for books and enjoys spending quiet moments immersed in a good story. From gripping adventures to poetic tales, she values the escapism and knowledge that books provide, making them cherished companions on her journey.

Starry Nights

Eurydice delights in gazing at the stars on clear nights. The vastness of the night sky, the twinkle of distant constellations, and the serenity of moonlit landscapes bring her a sense of calm and wonder.


Eurydice enjoys collecting small mementos from her travels. Whether it's a quirky souvenir, a pressed flower, or a pebble from a special place, these keepsakes serve as tangible reminders of the places she's explored and the memories she's made along the way.


Uncomfortable Shoes

Eurydice has an aversion to uncomfortable footwear, though she does like a good chunky heal. She values practicality and comfort, and uncomfortable shoes can hinder her ability to explore the landscapes she encounters during her travels.

Excessive Heat

Eurydice dislikes extreme heat. The discomfort and physical stress associated with high temperatures can detract from her enjoyment of outdoor activities and exploration.

Unpleasant Odors

Eurydice has a distaste for unpleasant odors, whether from pollution, waste, or other sources. Foul smells can detract from her ability to fully immerse herself in the natural and cultural experiences of her journey.

Uncomfortable Bedding

Eurydice dislikes uncomfortable bedding. Whether camping under the stars or staying in accommodations, she values a good night's sleep and dislikes bedding that compromises her comfort.


Her Beloved Travel Companions

Eurydice has a penchant for collecting small, whimsical trinkets from the places she visits. These mementos, whether a unique pebble or a quirky handmade charm, serve as reminders of the diverse landscapes she's explored and the people she's encountered on her journey.

The Art of Culinary Improvisation

Eurydice, not known for her culinary expertise, has mastered the art of improvisation when it comes to cooking. Or at least so she thinks. She can turn a mishmash of ingredients into surprisingly edible meals, often relying on her resourcefulness in the absence of a well-equipped kitchen during her travels. Though they can be edible it doesn’t necessarily mean they taste good.

Literary Travel Journal

Eurydice carries a worn-out journal with her for jotting down thoughts and observations.

Whistling Tunes of the Storm

Eurydice has a peculiar habit of whistling tunes inspired by the sounds of the Storm. Her melodies, a blend of nature's symphony and her own improvisations, have a soothing quality that often surprises those who overhear her musical interludes.

Bookish Conversations with Inanimate Objects

Eurydice occasionally engages in one-sided, animated conversations with the books she repairs. It's a quirky habit that stems from her deep appreciation for the stories within the pages, as if the books themselves hold secrets waiting to be shared.

The "Storm-Proof" Hat

Eurydice owns a worn but cherished hat that she claims is "storm-proof." It's a quirky superstition she developed during a particularly intense encounter with the Storm. Whether facing a tempest or a mere drizzle, she wears it with a playful sense of defiance.



Eurydice's history is woven with threads of secrecy, love, and the constant dance with the Storm. Born a Thunderstruck, the distinctive marks of the Storm adorned her back was a secret carefully guarded by her family. Her father, a skilled book binder, and her mother, a talented seamstress, moved their family from village to village, constantly evading the suspicions that their daughter might bear the stigma of being Thunderstruck. The markings, a mysterious tapestry etched upon her skin, became a hidden narrative, known only to those closest to her.

As Eurydice grew older, the Storm's presence loomed larger in her life. The fear of discovery led her family to adopt a nomadic existence, uprooting themselves to keep ahead of the whispers that could unravel the delicate web of secrecy they had woven. Her father desperately searched for information about the storm. Keeping book after book of his findings and eventually Eurydice joined him in his research. Despite the challenges, Eurydice's parents showered her with love, nurturing her skills as a book binder and encouraging her natural affinity for storytelling and research.

Before discovering Gales End, Eurydice had wandered nomadically for years, encountering diverse landscapes and communities. From bustling market towns to isolated hamlets, each place left an indelible mark on her journey. The nomadic life had honed her survival skills and offered glimpses into the myriad ways people adapted to the Storm's unpredictable nature.

During her travels, Eurydice became a seeker of stories and information. She repaired books and transcribed whatever she could, delving into the depths of libraries and dusty archives, all in an attempt to uncover clues to the true cause of the Storm. Her insatiable curiosity led her to seek knowledge about the Storm's history and the mysteries it held. Rumors reached her ears that Gales End, situated so close to the Galinn Peak, that it might harbor more information than she had ever imagined. Intrigued by the possibility of finding answers, Eurydice set her course toward Gales End, driven by the dual purpose of discovering her place in the world and uncovering the secrets that the Storm held close to its heart. The journey ahead held not only the promise of self-discovery but also the potential to unravel the truths concealed within the pages of the Storm's intricate history.







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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.