💨 Drat 💨



3 months, 19 days ago


trauma/recovery sona

22 years old, cis male, pansexual

can't work due to schizophrenia, he has a very hard time staying stable if he strays from his routines and if he pushes too hard, he gets ulcers from the stress, stops eating, stops sleeping, and inevitably falls into psychosis, HOWEVER he has managed to open his own vape shop where he sells his own vapes made from his blood. they are very high quality vapes and the local community swears by them!! he ships out some of his vapes to local smoke shops as well, but he has to take it easy because he only has so much blood lol. nobody really knows it's his blood though, that would be kind of a big scandal lol. between his business and his small amount of social security money, he manages to stay afloat quite well!!

he's a cool dude tbh, he's very chill and thoughtful. he can be a bit quiet, but he is a deep thinker and is often just lost in thought. he usually shares what's been on his mind once he's finished thinking through it! 

his mind is full of little algorithms and what he calls his "mental gymnastics" weighing reality vs what's in his head, it's a full time job in and of itself

his arms and legs are covered in self harm scars, and he wears the same outfit almost every single day. obviously he washes it and he does have several identical pairs of jeans and shirts, and the one jacket

music is his main coping, he can't get anywhere or do anything without his music to drown out the constant voices and put words to what he can't express

hard-core vaper, he takes his vaping very seriously lol. his ports allow him to take his blood and put them into pods to sell or consume, but they also function as a set of "vape gills" that allow him to vaporize his blood and consume the nicotine without having to physically hit a vape. that is what causes the trail of smoke behind him!!

deeply emotional and feeling, he's a very heavy individual as far as emotional baggage. he doesn't really talk about anything regarding his feelings, he tries to keep it to himself, but his friends know him and they know to check on him

has severe PTSD from various traumas but most notably an extremely abusive relationship in his young adulthood

lowkey has a drinking problem but he downplays it, and he's young so everyone lets it slide