##Engineer Gaming*



Of course its a false charge! I would never steal an invention and say it was mine, though I suppose I'm not above stealing entirely... *pouts*

(NAME) the Framed in Ferrous Quarter Inventor Outlaw of Alkenstar
Transwoman (She/Her)
Bisexual (Single)
6ft 1in
Friendly, Very Technology Obsessed, Smart and Stupid


(NAME) has lived within Alkenstar city all their life in a smokey little workshop on the poorer side of town known as Smokeside. Within their apartment, that looked more akin to a storage closet, (NAME) spent countless hours tinkering with machine parts and scraps that could find or buy for cheap. (NAME) collected trash and unwanted parts from neighbors and her various employers and overtime managed to amass a decent collection despite their poor wages.

With all these parts (NAME) made various little doohickeys, thingamajigs, and tools that often had indecipherable uses to anyone other than her; however, none of these doodads hold a candle to (NAME)'s magnum opus 'Acubens'. With (NAME) feeling lonely in their dingy little appartment they decided to make themselves a robotic assistant and friend. Since Acubens went live several years ago, the two have been inseperable friends ever since and (NAME) has taken to teaching Acubens all their little tips and tricks as if Acubens is her son or apprentice.

One day, (NAME) and Acubens went out to the Ferrous Quarter part of town. While (NAME) knew this part of town was notoriously shady they came nonetheless today to go to a little store they knew of that carried heavily discounted parts. While walking home with their haul of junk in tow they were stopped by the Deputy of the Shieldmarshals named Anjelique Loveless. The deputy saw (NAME)'s large volume of goods and their automaton partner and after one look up and down of (NAME) came to the immediate assumption these things must be stolen. Despite how much (NAME) insisted these were all legally obtained, the deputy refused to listen and attempted to confiscate Acubens.

Without thinking, (NAME) snatched Acubens and began running and dodging through the crowds and alleyways until they could make it back to their Smokeside appartment. While the deputy tried to keep up on foot the chance ended quickly and (NAME) returned home safely. After several days wanted posters for (NAME) showed up as a warrent for their arrest was spread around the city. (NAME) left their appartment in fears of being turned in by their landlord though had no place to go at first. Thankfully their employer and friend Sweetiebelle Dahlia was willing to let (NAME) crash in the basement of the Noodle shop they owned and ever since then (NAME) has made that dingy basement their home. To protect the store (NAME) was forced to resign from their position though. While its obviously very illegal to house a 'crimina;' Dhalia refused to believe the allegations against (NAME) were true and since she had been harrassed by the Deputy in the past she had no qualms obscuring 'justice' in that regard.

While (NAME) was thankful for somewhere to hide they knew the basement wasnt going to be somewhere sustainable for them to live. For one, thanks to the noise of their inventions, (NAME) couldnt make anything while down there and it was cramped, hot and smelly! The best option they forsaw would be to leave the city all together but (NAME) certaintly didnt have the money for that. One day though, (NAME) recieved word of a potential way to fix this. Apparently, a mysterious job broker is looking for a party of outlaws to rob a bank called the Gold Tank Reserve in Ferrous Quarter. While at first, as someone who isnt a criminal by heart, this job was too outlandish for (NAME) but as they learned more about it the offer became too good to pass up. For one, apparently the bank funded the corrupt deputy Loveless who had put out the bounty on (NAME)'s head in the first place, but also not like (NAME) could get double arrested; In for a copper in for a gold they say. As much as it pained (NAME) to admit it they were going in on the job.


  • (NAME) used to live on the Smokeside of Alkenstar city in a dingy little appartment. With their limited funds they aquired parts and machinary to tinker with through thrifting and collecting.
  • (NAME) made all sorts of tools and strange inventions that only ever could be understood by themselves; however, their most amazing and important invention was their robot compaion Acubens.
  • One day while out in Ferrous Quarter with Acubens, (NAME) was accused of having stolen Acubens by Deputy Loveless as well as the spare parts they had just bought. Despite trying to explain the situation, the deputy refused to listen.
  • Fearing having Acubens confiscated, (NAME) ran away from arrest and had a warrent placed on them. For their safety they quit their dayjob and moved into the basement of their bosses house; however, (NAME) doesnt want to stay there and after hearing about a job to rob a bank... they might not have to.