


3 months, 23 days ago


. Carmilla . ▄︻デ══━一

Spellbound . Siouxie And The Banshees

. About .

Name Carmilla

Gender Female

Heigt 190cm

Alignment Chaotic Good

Species Lady Midday

Location Sunny Field

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If you even get to visit a farm, better not go anywhere near the field in the middle of the day - if you aren’t lucky enough, you’ll meet a woman. Try to avoid eye contact, but treat her with respect, she can get annoyed easily. No matter how charismatic and friendly she seems to be, she is going to hurt you. Carmilla isn’t just an average Lady Midday, her real nature is way different. With other non-humans she easily gets excited and is a bit of a temper, easily getting into fights, however she never attempts to hurt anyone and is considered as really friendly by most. She is a caring, but not responsible woman with strong values.
Belong to:
@ ksandra in the:
Swamp Mansion Trivia
  • The name inspiration came from the book 'Carmilla'
  • Her personality is based on Hollyberry Cookie
  • In her hair she has wreath with pettite, pink roses
Do Not
  • This is a placeholder, cuz I have no idea what cound anybody do with her, being aware my followers are weird at the same time
Who is Carmilla?

Carmilla isn’t really known by most people from the Swamp Mansion, she isn’t a topic to discuss, Batela doesn’t even think of her anymore and Alnurf doesn’t want the loss he is feeling to overwhelm his life. Mr Joyful used to keep all his souvenirs after her in a dusty chest somewhere in the storage room. Things changed when his young employee Robert, who always sticks his nose everywhere he shouldn’t, found it and asked about a woman in the painting.

Dear reader...

I don’t exactly remember when I created this character, however she is really important to me and I’m aching over how her story with Alnurf ended. So dear reader, you have to know life isn’t a fairytale and even if you end up an important chapter of your life, it doesn’t mean you aren’t going to put up everything together with someone else. I’m a human like you after all, most of us like happy endings, so I can’t promise you she isn’t going back in future, however I would rather not.

About her life...

She was born somewhere in Slavic areas in the middle ages, she was a part of a not so rich knight family. The girl has been engaged to an older man yet in her early teens. Lucky for her he went to a war and left her for a few years and when he came back she was an adult yet. Preparations were in full swing when Carmilla fell into the well while getting the water.

...and the death

When Carmilla met Alnurf, a respected boogie she immediately felt a connection with him and his toddler daughter. The man started really adoring her and moved for some time to be near her. This was the start of a strange relationship, probably Carmilla felt the same but she couldn’t recognize this feeling, unlike shy Mr. Joyful who finally decided to get back to the Swamp Mansion. Woman accepted his invitation and they spent a few weeks there. This situation made the mansion quite angry, it knew why it was left without the host. Finally Alnurf decided he is going to propose to his beloved one, as the mansion did, when he woke up next day excited how Carmilla was going to react to his surprise. She left him that night. Swamp Mansion left him only Batela, possessed.

Batela Joyful
favorite little devil