


3 months, 19 days ago


Reindeer | Male | He/Him | Colibri Colony Feather

Reindeer is a soft, short-furred red classic tabby tom with thin stripes on his tail. He also got karpati from his parent, particularly having a very similar face marking as they do, with round, light green eyes. He often has a neutral expression on his face.

Reindeer is a quiet tom, he much prefers to observe and listen over actually talking. He’s serious, he has a hard time really understanding jokes most of the time, but he does try to make jokes and understand them around the ones he cares for. He’s very calm though, things don’t tend to spook him and he’s often more than happy to calm others, particularly willing to hum soft lullabies for his siblings. Despite this he is somewhat emotional though, he takes things pretty hard when he messes up and gets frustrated with himself on occasion. Reindeer is a bit clumsy, which can frustrate himself sometimes, often leading to him being in the middle of saying something when he suddenly stumbles over his own paws. He’s very clever, he picks up on things easily and doesn’t forget often. However, this also leads to him being a bit of a know-it-all though he isn’t aware of it, constantly butting into conversations with what he knows(one of the few situations where he isn’t quiet) and getting irritated when people don’t listen to him. Reindeer is a stargazer though, he knows a lot but especially about stars, and he loves to point out what he sees. Overall, Reindeer is a curious tom, eager to learn about the world around him.

His parents are Sheep and Leo, his siblings are Salamander and Beaver