


2 months, 24 days ago


So sploogulous . i gotta think of lore lol.

Ideas im microwaving:

  • someone's freak pet (hyun?)
  • beast species. populates both derrodas and daharus?
  • beast species commonly kept by fades? they feel kinship from both being see thru LOL? (so garv's pet??)
  • actually make into a pippaf sidechar, so a creature and not a beast. lure perhaps?
  • One of renfinus's experiments that later gets saved by the gang

idea elaborating: Fade beast companions
  • symbiotic relationship, sploog-species help raise fade babies? bc fades dont raise their own babies? and the sploog-species get smth out fo it took idk what yet. maybe fade adults just feed them/give them things idk.
  • long-lived like fades. have invisibility/intangibility like fades. 
  • sploog species reproduce like jellyfish? they have medusas or whatever and its silly.
  • CAN GET HUGE MAYBE? but i feel in my heart sploog is small... we shall see...
Idea elaborating: renfinus experiment
  • freak fucked up amalgamation animal. snivling and wet and pathetic but in an endearing way. cries acid
  • renfi grew it in a tube from various parts of other animals?
  • kinda works with hyun + Daejn's narratives of being freaks with identity issues and not being able to define themselves as One Single Concrete Thing.
  • can vomit up stomach and put back in like its fine. rlly long stupid tongue, saliva is also semi-acidic but like barely. just like kinda tingly tbh. sploog grabs things with their tongue bc their feets r so stubby.
  • can only eat like a specific thing or smth. everything else make it nauseous. what if its eyeballs of other amimals. and eggs. luckily it doesnt need to eat often or smth LOL?
  • eyes can move around on face/body. they r not stationary. bc sploog is goop.