


3 months, 23 days ago


carrion, goddess of rot and decay ^^ 1000+ years old, and her birthname was eztli.

nightmare's forgotten and estranged *twin sister, who resides in hades/the underworld (albeit unwillingly). though she and her brother were once close and borderline inseparable, certain... events over a millennia ago led to everything going downhill. which then eventually led to nightmare using his powers to forcefully seal her away in the underworld a few hundred years back, following a disagreement between them about his actions.

since then, she's been in a centuries-long state of depression/grief over everything that went down with her brother, especially his betrayal of her. considering she's one of the few 'permanent'/regular residents of hades, she's grown quite familiar with certain entities, primarily necrodeus (as he rules the realm she's currently residing/trapped in), his servants, and a few psychopomps. whenever she's not either grieving or dabbling in taxidermy/necromancy, she can be found helping necrodeus with his work, sharing control over duties, judgments, and control of the dead. the nature of their relationship is... not exactly clear, but necrodeus does seem to tolerate/respect her presence far more than he does with the others.

despite her seemingly permanent gloominess, i'm sure a fair bit of the underworlds residents like her company. especially considering necrodeus's temperament compared to carrion's. its hard finding a kind presence down in hades, let alone a merciful one.

i cannot say anything regarding any persephone/queen of the underworld symbolism at this moment (red dot on my forehead). however i CAN say she's soooooooooooo blue diamond coded

* she and nightmare are actually half twin siblings, half cousins! NOT via incest, but through heteropaternal superfecundation ^^ they share the same mother, and their respective fathers/sires were brothers. its a messy situation.
