Basil Baker



3 months, 22 days ago


yet another tf2 oc because i cant be stopped.

Basic background: Basil was born in London, England to two parents of dubious existence. He keeps insisting he has a super edgy villain origin story, but in actuality he had a pretty normal upbringing. In high school he was considered a nerd, and got bullied a fair bit, but he deserved it because he was a theater kid. At some point Basil discovered the beautiful thing known as "DC comics" and his life was forever changed after that lol.

Somehow he managed to get hired by Mann Co, and became the BLU teams Spy. Nobody knows how or why, but he is! Basil is AWFUL at his job. He doesn't consider himself a "spy" perse, he rather prefers the term of "Greatest Supervillain Alive" and he bases everything he does around the whole "supervillain" thing. Some people think he's just being a gimmick-y annoyance on purpose, but it seems like he genuinely thinks he's a supervillain who just doesn't have any superpowers. Because of all this, he's the OPPOSITE of sneaky. He loudly announces himself everytime he enters a room, talks to himself (basil claims it helps him "think" better, but he doesn't do much of any thinking, so it's not helping anything) and monologues at his target(s) before ever attempting a backstab.

When asked, Basil also says he doesn't kill any of the enemy team on purpose because "If Basil killed his rival, that would be horribly boring! It's like if Joker finally killed Batman! The chase would be over!!" and he goes back to practicing his knot tying skills (an essential for any supervillain who captures damsels in distress.)

general personality stuff: eccentric to the extreme!! speaks in third person at all times (though that's less to do with the supervillain delusions, and more from the autism) and can't say anything lower than the volume of a theater performer on stage. Despite his confident body language and presence, he is in fact cripplingly lonely like... all the time, and will attempt to make friends with everyone on his team a couple dozen hundred times. Painfully clingy with anyone who gives him an ounce of attention, even if it's just because he's an interesting character to them and not actually respected beyond that.

He NEVER takes off the mask, it's like the only thing keeping him tied to Spy in terms of privacy (beyond his false villain backstory that changes everytime someone asks.) gets along best with his teams Soldier who hasn't realized that he's british yet, and just assumes he's from the west coast. not to worry, he also hates Scout like normal Spy! Except it's just because Scout is more of a Marvel fan, which means Basil wants him dead.

he/him, bisexual, 30 years old, decently built with especially strong legs, 5'11" (insists he is 6' though), voice claim is The Editor from JazzPunk, has dimples when he smiles :o), has a tattoo of a stylized Rose on his lower back (YES ITS A TRAMP STAMP SHUT UP.) Weapon loadout is the L'Etranger (refers to it as his death ray despite the fact it is not a ray gun,) the Black Rose knife, the disguise kit, the base inviswatch and the red tape recorder.