


7 months, 4 days ago


yayyy my special synthetic terra who is such a special girl <3

main form: middle
chibi form: top left
toony form: bottom left
beast form: right

her profile is a MESS but here's some lore:

Lenora's existence has been recorded since the early 1940's, but her exact age is uncertain. She is the guardian of a small pocket dimension filled with neon lights, plant growth, and swimming pools. 

Originally nameless and built by an enigmatic creator, she earned her name from a friendly stranger she encountered during an early excursion into the outside world. Generally speaking, Lenora doesn't often leave her "home" ... but in recent times, she has grown lonely and has begun venturing out into the normal physical world.

Her form changes are primarily triggered by emotional state; usually, her main form is used when interacting with others, and her beast form typically remains confined to her home dimension... The beastly version of Lenora tends to show when her loneliness really gets to her. When she is comfortable around someone, her silly side comes out and her toony form is sometimes used. Her chibi form is a sign of affection or vulnerability, and heals quicker than the other forms when damaged.