Isaac Wilder



2 months, 12 days ago




describe image

Isaac Wilder

age 26 years
height 5,9 FT/ 181 CM
weight XX lbs / XX kg
hair Brown
eyes Green
gender Male
species Human
aliases The Wildling

The youngest Wilder brother


Isaac Wilder is a human male. He is most likely badly shaven and has a slight mustache. He has brown wavy hair that he shaves into a mullet. (Has lost a hand or an arm? Maybe fingers???)


Isaac seems to always have a smile on his face. He will easily lighten a very tense moment with his quick entertaining comments. He has an amazing ability to think on his feet. Don't be fooled, this man will insult you while making you feel like the most amazing person on the whole wide world. While he is known to be quite a Casanova, few actually make it past the flirting stage. Good looks and good charisma make for a perfect combanition when you are a young man on the run. Isaac knows just how to please people in order to get what he wants, be it coin or a roof over his head for a couple of weeks.

Beneath the easy go lucky exterior is a young man who is too haunted with his past to face his future. Hoping he can ride faster than those dark memories of his childhood. Not being able to settle down in the fear of getting too attached. Isaac hides behind sharp comments and a charming smile, too scared to see what is left of the young boy that wanted to follow into his father's footsteps.


Cras vitae ligula interdum, sagittis mi vel, vehicula ligula. Pellentesque viverra tempor vulputate. Proin auctor elit eu odio ullamcorper, venenatis rutrum dui lobortis. Proin sit amet tortor eros. Mauris rhoncus consequat pretium. Duis neque velit, eleifend sit amet auctor eu, accumsan non velit. Vivamus eget blandit dolor. Nam faucibus laoreet turpis, in euismod nisl dictum in. Suspendisse laoreet tristique porta. Mauris mi orci, convallis placerat massa ac, congue rhoncus lectus.

Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet eros eleifend. Mauris non augue fermentum, aliquam purus in, commodo sapien. Morbi scelerisque, tellus non ultricies blandit, justo tellus malesuada libero, nec fringilla enim diam vitae mauris. Duis eget aliquet libero, at pharetra turpis. Maecenas convallis ornare ex vel tempus. Nullam pellentesque luctus ipsum sit amet rutrum.


Isaac Wilder is the younger brother of Oscar Wilder. Their father was the infamous Buckley Wilder. After his father died when he was a little kid, Isaac grew up alone with his brother. Some sources say HE shot his brother before he suddenly disappeared out of the town he grew up in.

He showed up a few years later helping as a farm hand at a horse ranch. Apparently he had worked there since he left his home. Shortly after his fathers old gang came back into the criminal scene, his real name was leaked and he fled again. Some say you can now find him doing odd jobs for rich people who arent from the west.


Mar 02, 4112

  • Fleeing his home

    Isaac fleds his home after shots are heard in the town square and his brother loses his arm.

Jul 13, 4119

  • Leaving with Lady

    Isaac's name gets leaked by his father's old gang and he has to flee with Lady.

Sep 21, 4126

  • Escorting an elf

    A cloaked figure approaches promising elven coin for a seemingly easy escort job.











  • Music
  • Animals
  • When people have a good story to tell


  • Silence
  • People who are disloyal
  • Winter

Fun Facts

  • Dispite having a gun and that being his main weapon, Isaac does not know a lot about them.
  • Isaac bought Lady at a rather cheap price and people are constanly shocked about her speed and her will to work.
  • While he hates awkward or forced silences, Isaac loves listening to the sounds or silence of nature.

Design Notes

  • Isaac's mullet is unkept but he does sometimes shave the sides. He also cares more about his mustache then his beard.
  • His accent colour is blue.
  • Unlike most people from his hometown, he is not attached to his hat and will change it regularly.

Haldir Mormoira

Isaac is Haldir's escort through the wild west.


Oscar Isaac

Oscar is Isaac's older brother


Buckley Wilder

Buckley Wilder was a infamous bandit, previously know as "The Wildling". He was shot and killed while trying to rob the mayor of his hometown. Buckley is the father of Isaac Wilder.



Isaac his mother. Reason of death unknown.



Isaac's trusty steed. A medium sized horse with a mind of her own.



Person Isaac has to follow while he escorts Haldir.

REWARD: $10,000,000