Natalia The Hedgehog



7 months, 12 days ago


a shy goth hedgehog who likes flowers and wants to open her own flower shop. However, She has such a fear of people that she has no idea if she ever will... But this fear does not stem from nowhere, her shyness and anxiety stems from her abandonment issues, starting when she was abandoned by her family members for inheriting her Great Grandfather’s superior strength and enhanced stamina, that she has no control over yet. So her mother, [REDACTED], Pushed her father and brother to pack their stuff and leave her alone in their family home. So using her time alone to try to control her strength, However the constant stream of failures made her lose confidence in herself making her lose control easier and more often. As a side effect of being alone, she developed Autophobia, (The fear of being alone) so she threw open the door, despite being told she's not allowed to leave the house.

She then landed in Knothole City, where she tried to Co-Exist with the residents… Until she lost her focus for a moment and put a small crater with her foot in the ground of the park, in front of so many people, causing all of them to stare at her in fear, triggering her trauma of abandonment, she starting crying, begging people to stop looking at her, until one came up to her, a pink fox, wrapped her arms and tail around her. She whispered in her ear a few short words, “It’s ok… I'm here for you…” She takes those words to heart and starts to see this pink fox, Who she learned is named Natsuki, as an older sister, Who she will cling to whenever she feels lonely.

Due to these traumatic experiences, she's always afraid about meeting new people and to top it all off, hurting the flowers she works with, the ones she uses as her coping mechanism to help her stay calm, so she tends to lean to non-physical interactions. Her worst mess up sense the hole in the park, is when someone asked her to toss her a ball and she nonchalantly threw it, accidentally putting the poor guy in a hospital. But she has made some progress ever since she started getting close to Natsuki. She has had a chance to become acquainted with Casey the Panther and Willow the Cat due to Natsuki forming a team with them both as well as working at Willow’s cafe. (more to be wrote)

(adopted from Piper!!)

Alignment: Lawful Good - Age: 21 - Height: 2’6 - Weight: 65ib -  Sexuality: Asexual or Demi-Sexual(???) - NSFW:Not RN