


3 months, 20 days ago


Albatross is a divine avatar, the physical arm that carries out the will of his patron goad, the god of wisdom, time, and the moon. He is placed on the mortal plane as a "purger", his job to cleanse the presence of evil entities like demons, ghouls, ghosts, and those who dabble in forbidden magic. This puts him at odds with Atticus and Varian, two people he's supposed to purge. 

However, when Albatross and the duo he's hunting become trapped in a larger, more cosmic game, they need to learn how to work together to save themselves, so they world that doesn't know they exist. 

He's a withdrawn, gruff individual, hardened by all he's seen in his long lifespan of cleansing, but allows himself to soften when he feels safe enough to be vulnerable. He believes that putting on a stoic face for others, like his brother, allows himself to be seen as someone worthy of trusting and relying on, but deep down, he knows that one day...

his face will crack under the pressure.