


5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Frazil

Race: Icejin (Frost Demon/Changeling)

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Primarily stays in his third form. Hunched, tall, muscular(wide), with a long tail.  His head/shoulders/knees/elbows/tail are covered in black pointed bio-armor, The armor on the tip of his tail curves into a sharp blade. His large curved oblong head has two small horns on the back and one large horn from the center front that curves back. His skin is charcoal black with green bio luminescence glow from his forearms, lower legs, midsection, tongue and a portion of his tail before the blade. His head jewel and eyes similarly glows a deep amber. Very Heavy.

Personality Traits:


Allegiance: Shiver Clan, 

__Background/Character History__

A brother of the Shiver siblings and the one that best fits the position of "middle child" while growing up. Him always feeling his accomplishments were overshadowed or ignored , that he was overlooked by his father. The isolating feeling of neglect causing him to become more withdrawn. Despite his jealousies he still cared for his siblings, finding validation from his elder brothers. 

When the siblings are separated and scattered across space by one of thier fathers old enemies Frazil ends up landing in the epicenter of a devastated part of space. The planet and nearby celestial bodies orbiting a blackhole. He found no visible light and upon making his own found himself besieged by nightmare creatures. The monsters were fearsome with bladed appendages, the ability to eat light and most important a malicious sentience. Frazil struggled but had to flee which started months of constant & desperate struggle to live. The creatures stalked and taunted Frazil relentlessly, as he became mentally exhausted and more paniced he finally snapped. In this frenzy he managed to get the upper hand and kill some of his pursuers, quickly escaping into a small crevic they couldn't fit threw. 

Frazil was scared, nearly starved and desperate, so it wasn't long before he turned to the one source of food there was in abundance. The dead of the creatures that hunted him. Luckily for him they would become as hostile with one another as they did him and after some near misses he would scavenge what he could to eat. His time in the pitch darkness helping him develope a keen sense of his surroundings, his sensitivity to energy fluctuations mapping the catacombs. After a prolonged time of eating the creatures he felt his body adapting to the environment, he developed Traits and abilities of the creatures. More unexpectedly he gained a boost in power. He quickly went from prey to predator as he began hunting them down, at first he picked off the weak ones but soon he was hunting them in groups. He had transformed his body to blend in with the pitch black to even hide from their eyes,  his body glowed with bio luminescence that acted to lure them in. As there numbers dwindled and they lived in fear of him the lights were then used to taunt and menace, like he once was. 

In time Frazil had eaten the planet bare and left it littered with bones. On his journey to become the apex predator he had become brutal, sadistic and absolutely ravenous. Now free to leave the planet without any danger he flew into the vastness of space seeking civilization but only found hostile races both savage and technologically advanced, hostility spiraling Frazil into a frenzy. 

After leaving many planets and species devastated in his wake he eventually ran into his siblings who were looking for him. Sadly Frazil was unrecognizable to them and he didn't care to recognize them and they ending up fighting. Things settle down and eventually he ends up joining up with his family. Having trouble readjusting he continues to act violently and out of instinct, his appetite stimulated by his fervor for battle. 

His mental state greatly concerns his family and they try to accommodate him while reigning him in. 

__Combat Info__