Dr. Toric and Peanut



3 months, 23 days ago


Dr. Toric studies what it was like in puppets past and how evolution brought them here! One would think they are trying to bring back things from the past...
But they just have Peanut! The little sockasaurus that is their companion animal. He just says he found peanut.

He knows there are dinosaur puppets all over the place, he isn't interested in those! In fact, he will ramble about his studies of puppets past. From marionettes to shadow puppets! He tracks different evolutions on a chart and is writing a book. Also about how puppets like them are a divergent evolution, and hand puppets are the other! So close but yet so different.
In fact, he thinks animatronics is the next step in puppet evolution, but no one really listens to him.
It makes him sad people scoff and ask how shadows could lead up to where they are now? How could anyone swap wood for fabric?

It's why he has Peanut, who is a friendly little guy who will help him when he's down. Also remind him to take care of himself and not just get lost in writing.
Dr. Toric hopes to publish his book soon so everyone can read about the fascinating history of puppets!