


4 months, 3 days ago


She's a raccoon ment to be easier to animate, so she has a more simplistic design :D

She is the villain of the Parade story. When she was studying to become a scientist she came up with ideas for illnesses and wanted to execute them, but the other students and her professors told her not to. She graduated and went to work on vaccines for sicknesses in a small lab in her town, but she got fired at 8 months of working there due to her creations of illness and even attempted zombie creation.

After that she decided that she'd work by herself and made her 'lair' in an abandoned building secretly. She wanted to create zombies as her first solo experiment, so she collect money and paid the parents of young babies (who don't have much money) to give her their children for a couple of years. Only one person ended up saying yes, Ollie, the father of Mathew (Who was 2 months old) he was struggling to keep his job and was hoping the money would help him and Mat in the future.

She did experiments on him, and one ended up making him unable to breathe. But he ended up living, well not exactly, he was a zombie. He didn't appear like one, except for the fact that his fur was green in some spots. He could continue living without being alive. Ration was rigth! 

He was able to re-learn everything he already knew and more. Ration would dye his green fur brown and keep him in the lair for a full 5 years, that's when she has to return Mathew to Ollie. She explained to Mat that he had to die his fur every month in the green patches because he was undead, and that he couldn't tell his dad. Mat didn't understand but he decided to do as she said, since he was raised by her for the first 5 years of her life.

After that Ration had no more test subjects, so she thought kidnapping was the perfect solution. But this time none of her experiments were successful, the only thing that ever happened was the subjects turning into different creatures that resembled shadows she started to spend so much time with them and they felt like family. But she still thought she had more zombie related experiments to preform, and since no matter how many times she tried now it would fail, she narrowed it down to one guy, Mathew. She figured she was too skilled at her job to fail, so that must've ment it was something about him that let the experiments work, so she sent out her shadow critters to locate him and bring him back, right before of the Parade of a Thousand Wishes too!

That's a basic explanation of the story.