Insight Finnson



3 months, 8 days ago


Name: Insight Finnson

Species: Nightlight Dragonchild

Gender: Male


- Family: Resolve Finnson (brother), Vigilance Finnson (sister), Wren Vingetsson (sister-in-law), Sterling Vingetsson (nephew)

- Love interest(s): Mist

- Best Friend: Mist 

Bio: Insight is a 12 year old Nightlight Dragonchild. He and his two older siblings (Resolve and Vigilance) have lived in the wild with their parents for their whole lives. After the death of their parents in an accident, Insight and his siblings come to Rangrhaven out of curiosity to meet more of their kind.

Due to his upbringing in the wild, Insight is a bit feral, though he is the most even-tempered in his family. He was born deaf and communicates through drawing and a made up kind of sign language. Insight is very shy and will not try to connect with new people on his own. Instead, he prefers to watch and learn from his siblings. Whether he is in human or dragon form depends on those around him. If he is around dragons, he will be a dragon but if he is around humans then he will be a human.