Faust Yarrow



7 months, 8 days ago


 "I will never be good. But I can be better"


NameFaust House
AliasLucky Bug
Pronouns They / Them
RoleRight Hand to Lady Luck
SPECIESDomestic Cat

 "A Body with two minds."
  • 5ft 3in, 120 lbs, lean figure, soft but with hidden muscle under fat.
  • AFAB
  • Curly black fur, white heart on chest
  • Left eye still there, sensitive to light.
  • Scar on collarbone
Reference Here

To many, Faust is a strange cat. They're impulsive with their actions, aggressive with their solutions, but kind to those they speak to. Thoughts and ideas come to them randomly and despite their strange solutions to problems, they always get the job done.

Although extremely empathetic, Faust is certainly not sensitive to other people’s feelings. They are always aware of the attitudes, feelings, and thoughts of the people around them, often predicting how others would react to an action. But this never drives them away from sacrificing other’s emotional wellbeing if the benefits outweigh the costs. This often portrays them as cold and uncaring even if untrue. In the end, Faust is always looking out for the wellbeing of everyone. But as a realist, they believe that sacrifices have to be made. If Faust has to be the bad guy, they will. 

Faust is also extremely stubborn. Though not defensive of their beliefs or actions, it’s an extremely difficult task to convince Faust of another way. They are an unmovable rock in some topics and little could be done about it. This also means they are loyal to the end. However, not loyal to any person. Instead, they are loyal to their word. Any deal you make with them, you can be ensured they will fulfill it. Be warned, they will twist their words to benefit themself.

Lastly, Faust is one for a wild party, drinks, food, and games. Despite their serious demeanor around certain topics, Faust knows how to let loose and relax. They easily switch from a stern demeanor to a relaxed one in seconds and don't seem bothered by anything much.


STR (+2) | DEX (+3) | MAG (+1)

solitary - social

observant - dense

logical - emotional

organised - messy

assertive - turbulent


House of Divine Mysteries

With this spell, Faust is able to cause a failure to an opponent’s action. When focused on one opponent, it can cause a critical failure and may cause harm to the victim. However, the spell can also be placed amongst a max group of 6. This will only result in a minor failure, with little to no consequences. To use this spell, Faust must directly and verbally wish the opponent luck in any way.


Grand Palace of Astral Harmony

With a simple tap of their hands, Faust can increase their chance of success in an action or game of their choice. If used alongside an action, the threshold for success is lowered. It can also increase the chances of winning games such as poker, blackjack, and even against slots. The spell is extremely inconspicuous, requiring a small movement of Faust’s hands and focus. It can only be used on themself and increased chances cannot be transferred to anybody else.


House of Lyrical Enchantment

With this spell, Faust becomes an enchanting seductress, able to manipulate others to their whim. They become the main focus of the victim, consuming their thoughts and emotions. It becomes difficult to resist Faust’s words, and even more difficult to not get distracted. The spell has a time range of 1 minute to 20 minutes, the shorter it is, the more potent it becomes. Once broken out of the enchantment, victims can be left confused, unsure of what had happened. Those with a perceptive eye can recognize that they’ve been tricked.


Grand Palace of Astral Harmony

With the use of this spell, Faust is able to read the thoughts of a character for approximately 30 minutes. They cannot read any thoughts the character has had in the past, only the ones currently thought. It can only be used on one character at a time and those with strong enough mental power will be able to detect it and possibly break out of it. Otherwise, it is nearly undetectable other than a slight burst of magic. 


Amnesia has erased much of Faust's history.

There is little many know of who they were before their title as Lady Luck's right hand cat. Not even they know themselves. However, there hints of who they are, slowly making their way back to them. Before they gained their scars and changed their last name, Faust was a simple courier, taking up jobs to help support their parents.

Their mother at the time was both pregnant and extremely sick. Having come from a poorer household, the sickness put strain into the family's finances. As such, at the young age of 16, Faust began taking up courier jobs to pay for doctors and medicine. Desperation and need would lead the cat to take upon a certain suspicious job.

It was a package to Ariven Village, a simple job that paid lot. And though it was suspicious, Faust was in no position to complain. Upon arriving to the village, however, they were attacked. Caught in a fight and a sudden fire, Faust sustained major injuries. They died that day, and woke up a new cat.

Not much is known what exactly happened between Lady Luck and Faust during that incident. They claim that the casino owner had saved their life, paying for their hospital bills and giving them the best of care. In return and in promise for being cared for, Faust signed their life away to Lady Luck. Forever a pawn to her bidding.


  • Allergic to pollen but refuses to admit it.
  • Loves chocolate, chocolate ice cream is their favorite food.
  • Their tail is a good indicator on how they're feeling.
  • Can play the violin. Attempted to learn the trumpet but failed.
  • Upholds promises and favors no matter what.
  • Graceful dancer.

 "Who Was I before it all?"

AlignmentChaotic Good



Faust's boss, stuck to her by contract. Despite Faust's words, they  absolutely despise her. They think of Lady Luck as a cruel, un-trustable  piece of trash that the world could do better without. Sadly, their  chains are not easily broken.

Close Friend

Both a co-worker and a close friend, Annie is perhaps the only person Faust would easily bend to. They trust her guidance and opinions and take her words to heart. It's hard to find anybody else in the world Faust trusts more than they do with Annie. Despite this closeness, however, Faust doesn't know very much about the rabbit they call a friend.


Lyell is both a thorn on Faust's side but also a light in the darkness. Despite their many arguments and fighting (both physical and verbal) Faust has high hopes in Lyell and his ambitions for the future.

Close Friend

One of Faust's closest friends, one that quickly made her way into their heart. Despite the ups and downs in their relationship, they would never stop caring for Midori. Behind the constant fighting and batnering, Faust greatly admires and respects the kitsune. After everything, they're not willing to let her go. They'd do anything to protect her, even if meaning protecting her from themself.