Midori Shimizu



5 months, 13 days ago



"They say you should never trust a fox!"

Midori Kida
Midori Shimizu
18 years
Trans Female (she/her)
5'1" (155 cm)
Soul Affiliation
Grand Palace of Astral Harmony
God Bond
Milathi, Lady of Chaos
Runafar, Erisis

nown to be the youngest daughter of the famed Ren Kida, Midori seems to have a lot of interesting experiences despite being so young. Her magical abilities for her age are almost alarming; aside from inheriting the Kida family’s mastery at psionics, she’s very interestingly the first to also specialize in time magic. She seems to have a very good command over it, despite being a cleric who typically heals.

Midori is known as the most recent recruit of Rebirth of the Black Lotus, despite there being many rumors that the leader, her sister Hanako, did not want her being part of the group. Not only is she a skilled cleric, but because she’s mainly kept away from direct lines of fire, Midori’s skills in stealth, perception and socialization are generally used for gathering information.


  • Expensive pastries
  • Cute accessories
  • Pink flowers
  • Tonkatsu ramen


  • All insects
  • Most incense
  • Tacky clothes
  • Haggling customers


Orientation: Lesbian

Zodiac: Sun in Leo, Moon in Sagittarius, 1st asc in Cancer

Theme song: Hachi - Sand Planet

  • Keeps a false surname so she's not immediately recognizable as a member of her family, both for stealth reasons and for safety reasons.
  • Massive sweet tooth, she can eat a shocking amount of pastries.
  • Wields Black Diamond as a long staff.

I. Personality


pon first impressions Midori usually comes across like a very sweet, bubbly girl. While this isn’t exactly incorrect, it’s far from the truth; under her outer layer of sunshine hides a very capable, competent and extremely sharp girl. She’s always aware of her surroundings and constantly analyzing the people around her, making sure to keep watch of any danger or suspicious characters. This extreme perception helps her easily to get out of sticky situations, but it also makes it so that she doesn’t trust easily. She’s aware of her amazing magical power for her age and status due to her family’s name, and is afraid of letting in the wrong people because of it. If you do manage to get close to her, though, Midori is as loyal and loving as a dog.

Two of the most amazing parts of her personality are her empathy and her bravery. Midori feels the pain of others quite deeply, and if there’s a way she can help, she’ll do it without a second thought, even if she doesn’t particularly care for the person. Her bravery also seems to know no bounds; make no mistake, Midori gets scared, and even easily startled. However, no matter how afraid she is, she will always stand up in spite of the fear and fight. Even if it means dying for her cause, she’ll do it afraid.

II. History


ue to her status, Midori keeps a tight lip about her history. Only a few things have snuck through the cracks so far, whether it’s from her trusting others enough to give small nuggets, or through outside forces. It’s known that she comes from a well-known, powerful family; her mother specifically was famed for being a hero in Erisis, but was killed in battle very young. She’s also not an only child, having two older (half) siblings, at least one of whom is a very powerful mercenary. The rest? Maybe just keep trying to slowly chisel it out of her.

It’s also known that Shimizu isn’t her true surname, so… what is her family’s name?

IV. Relationships

Hanako KidaOlder half-sister


Her oldest sister, Midori gets along very well with Hanako. The two are very close, rarely arguing, and, because she's the youngest, Midori knows she can get away with murder when it comes to Hanako. Not only does Midori love Hanako, but she's not blind to the sacrifices Hanako has made for her; she'll do anything for Hanako, because Hanako has done everything for her.

Sakura Nakamura "Saki"Older half-sister


If Midori and Saki aren't insulting each other, something must be wrong. The two of them seem to constantly be at each other's throats, however, don't mistake games for actual hatred. The two of them genuinely love each other, and, while she would be hard pressed to admit it, Midori highly respects how smart and talented Saki is.

DrefanBest friend


Someone who's been a part of Midori's life for as long as she can remember, Drefan, or "Dae" is one of Midori's closest friends. They've been close ever since Milathi assigned the two of them together to work as merchants, and she's always been very appreciative of the times he's kept her safe from harm.



While the corruption makes Adriel a hard person to consider a friend, Midori does care about Adriel, even if she can be a bit intimidating. She knows Adriel would never hurt her despite everything, and she can actually be rather funny sometimes. She has a deep resolve to want to save Adriel from her corruption, which makes her work so hard as a lotus.

Faust HouseClose friend (Player)


These two may have had an... interesting start to their relationship, but even despite past ups and downs, Midori considers Faust to be a very close friend of hers. Even though it may seem like they’re always arguing over nothing, Midori has started developing very deep romantic feelings for them. Because she cares so much about them, though, she’s afraid it would be selfish to involve them with her, due to the nature of her line of work.