

4 months, 13 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


Hello there

I have decided to sell some of my old ocs that I am no longer interested in and wish to sell them
Message me via Twitter or comment on the characters or private message (but note if via TH, I will be slow) if you wish to claim a character

My rules when purchasing the characters:

  • Please do not give it away or resell without my consent since it was my character first and I made them 
  • Please do not resell them at higher price. You're allowed to resell them if you have extra art of them (minimum of 3 art pieces)
  • You can change anything about them from name and design but You can't change it completely. 2 or 3 major changes are fine but not to the point the character is different from the original
  • Do not claim the design made by you. Credit to the original design artist for that
  •  No AI or NFT allowed for the usage of the character and the art
  • First come first serve
You can check which character is on sell here:

If you have any question, feel free to message me