FREE 3600 color palette



3 months, 10 days ago
Trade Listing



Back at it again with more free stuff!

This was originally started because i wanted a pantone set to compare/pick colors from, but theyre so expensive ;w;
so i made my own color palette set!

color palettes in your go to program have space limits and everythings mixed together, while useful, its not too great when trying to organize colors
and color palette sets around the web, while also useful and cool, are usually limited to a handful of colors

so now heres 3600 colors! haha

very useful animation, character designing, and having everything match with other art overtime (i bet you noticed some of your favorite artists having not only a reconizable style, but also a strongly identified colorpalette that matches the rest of their art pieces!)
highly encouraged to partake in using these 3600 colors!
all are effectively split apart to the basic colors, shades, hues, and all that for effeciant AND flexible color control

while not perfect (the darkest shades in the palletes are slightly wonky/slightly mixed and very close to one another)
these are all the colors you would ever need!

no credit needed when using this palette set! (it is just a bunch of colors afterall)
unless you want to share the palette itself (heh)

will organize all the palletes by number/general names shortly, as well as a masterlist of all of the hues in one transparent image ^w^

i hope this proves useful, thanks for reading!