Celeste Kobayashi



3 months, 25 days ago



"My muse is a fickle bitch with a very short attention span!"

Celeste Kobayashi

 aspiring actress / houdini splicer
When all one cares about is one's own success, and one is willing to step all over others to achieve one's own goals, that constitutes true evil.
Full Name Celeste Kobayashi
Aliases Celeste
Ethnicity White/Japanese/Black American
Gender Cisfemale (She/Her/Hers)
Orientation Heterosexual
Age 27

Celeste is a woman who only looks in the mirror. Her primary goal in life is to become a global superstar known for her acting prowess, regardless of who she steps on in order to get there. She is vindictive, judgmental, and petty. Having been doted on and fawned over for most of her life, Celeste is used to getting what she wants. She will do next to anything to get on top, only setting boundaries where the outcome could directly impact her and her road to success.

A narcissist to her core, Celeste often focuses on keeping up appearances. She is focused on her looks, involved in gossip, and silently demands to control the narrative of how others perceive her. She is vain and lacks any real empathy. If she can use her sexuality to entice and manipulate others, she is more than ready to do so.

Born Baton Rouge, LA + Feb. 23, 1942
Residence Fort Frolic (Rapture)
Occupation Aspiring Actress
Education High School Degree
Affiliation Sander Cohen Productions

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Lousianna, Celeste was the third child and only daughter to her parents (Cassius and Presley Kobayashi). Her two older, twin brothers (Silas & Miles) were often positive towards their sister, and protective of her up until a certain age. Being the only daughter, Presley and Cassius both allowed for their daughter to get away with behaviors that they otherwise would have condemned. Celeste was a rebellious adolescent, often sneaking out at night to spend time drinking and smoking marijuana with her peers. She seldom got caught, and when she did, she often received a lecturing with little to no other ramifications.

Her father was a writer, and her mother was a painter, often leading Celeste to believe that the arts were a useless career ambition. Despite this belief, the irony was lost on her that acting was of a similar vein. Upon graduating high school, Celeste encountered a man named Reignier Goldpond, a college student studying English literature and poetry -- another hopeless romantic artist. Although she did not believe they would be together for the long-term, Celeste used the man's infatuation over her as a source of self-satisfaction. Upon discovering the city of Rapture, Celeste made it her goal to leave for this newly established city in order to make a name for herself and her acting career.

It wasn't long before arriving in the city where Celeste discovered she was pregnant with her lover's child. She was resentful and bitter and many opportunities were taken away from her due to this. Upon her child's birth, who she named Winona Goldpond, Celeste would often leave her in the care of barely-familiar acquaintances in order to continue chasing her dreams. This led to her daughter's eventual disappearance, assumed to have been kidnapped and genetically engineered to become a Little Sister, not that Celeste noticed.

As the city began to introduce ADAM into the mix, and therefore Plasmids, Celeste began to find herself especially interested in Teleportation, Telekinesis, and Insect Swarm as her Plasmids of choice. The worse the city became, the more in-fighting occurred. As Rapture fell to disarray, Celeste then gradually adapted the lifestyle and identity of a Houdini Splicer.

Height 5' 5" / 165cm.
Build Average/Thin
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Auburn

Celeste has an average-to-thin body type. Often seen wearing cocktail dresses, or other (almost exclusively) formal wear, Celeste's favorite accessory to add a little class to her style is pearls. Celeste enjoys wearing pearl necklaces and earrings, though just about anything expensive will do.

When decidedly wearing a hat, Celeste tends to lean towards Kentucky Derby style hats -- large, flopping, with lace, feathers, and other such eye-catching add-ons.

Handedness Right-Handed
Associated motifs Starving Actor/Femme Fatal
Songs ——————————
COPYCAT — Billie Eilish
Bad Girls — M.I.A.
Bubblegum Bitch — MARINA
  • Celeste does not like animals. She finds them disgusting, dirty, and repulsive.
  • Although she has a daughter, Celeste is oftentimes known to tell people that she has no children.
  • Celeste's favorite meal is foie gras.
  • Although she would never admit to it, Celeste is incredibly handy and good with mechanics.
Reignier Goldpond | Lover
Reignier and Celeste has what appears to be the perfect relationship on the surface. As a couple, Reignier truly believes that Celeste cares about him, and anticipated her return from Rapture at some point. When it came to light that she never intended to stay with him, he realized he had been viewing their bond through rose-colored glasses. He is a caring man with no room for malice in his heart.
Winona Goldpond | Daughter
Following the events of the first Bioshock game, Winona was subsequently united with her biological father and grandparents after having been rescued by Jack and Tannenbaum from continuing her life as a Little Sister. Winona struggles with attachment and has trust issues for most around her as she learned to fend for herself from a very young age.