


4 months, 6 days ago


“Some battles cannot be won alone.”

Nightmare is an enormous black she-cat with deep amber and red eyes. Her left ear is split down the middle, leading into a scar that runs across her face, down her neck, across her right shoulder, and ends at her hip.

Personal Info

Name: Nightmare

Nickname: Night or Mare(Sometimes called Mary)

Name Meaning: Frightening or unpleasant dreams

Gender: Female

Species: Savannah - Chausie - Bombay

Age: 54 moons (4 ⅓ years/ 37)

Career: Rogue

Personality: Quiet, observant, but abrasive, overprotective

Quirks: N/A

Likes: The night, mice, and kits

Dislikes: Sunlight, rats, and water

Fears: N/A

Common Settings: Modern day, warriors-esk, fantasy

Physical Info

Height: 4’ 11” long

Build: Well-built

Identifying Traits: Cerulean eyes(Red and amber), scar, bigger than she has any business being


Nightmare was seen as a mistake, a demon even. Her mother died giving birth to her, due to her abnormal size. Her father abandoned her when she was 6 moons old. Nightmare, left with no support, left where she had been born. She was found by an older tom who raised her as his own until Nightmare was around 34 moons. She left her colony after being ostracized for her massive size and oddly colored eyes. She ended up getting into a fight with another cat, which gave her a massive scar.

Nightmare remains alone, silently watching the cats around her after several rejections from other cat colonies.